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Where to "practice Linux" terminal commands
  • In m opinion, practicing with real life problems is the best teacher. There are some ways to cut and convert videos, audio and images via terminal. Maybe there is still a way to enrich or streamline your workflow with that. Maybe a script which will prepare the folder of your next project. Also, xdotools let you automate a lot of sometimes tedious routines.

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • Yes I am interested. It is very insightful. I have a follow up question, if you don't mind. I like the idea of getting off-grid... or off-mega-corp. You use home assistant for heating and lightning. With heating you mean, by any chance, automatic thermostats on single radiators? I dabbled a bit with that but had a hard time to find some without the necessity to Link them via telemetry sending apps. What is your take from that?

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • That's a great list. Thank you. I thought about vault warden, it is great as a self hosted alternative to bit warden. At the same time, I am not sure if I would be able to properly secure it.

    I just read about forgejo, while reading up on Codeberg, which seems to be very popular here.

    I am intrigued about baserow. What are you using it for?

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • Wow, a lot to dig through. Thank you! Joplin server catched my eye immediately. I use Joplin as my ... Well, to write everything down. Didn't know there was a server version for it.

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • Interesting, this one needs definitely a deep research from me. I love rss feeds, at the same time the summaries tend to be click baity. I was fantasizing to get the full articles and use ollama to boil them down. Remove all the bloat text.

    I saw in the feature list the possibility to play yt videos directly in miniflux. What is your typical use Case miniflux<->YouTube wise?

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • Oh yeah, that was it for me as well. Great recommendation! That reminds me to check, if there is a release for the new version yet. I think they rewrote a lot of code.

    Had some "conversations" about why Google shopping doesn't work anymore... Wasn't able to convey the reason properly :/

  • your favorite homelab applications
  • To crawl I use playwright and cheerio to traverse through the html. I startet with another library, but playwright is more stable in my opinion (or just in my use Case). After the crawl I use nodecron to send Mails with nodemailer to myself, on a daily basis. All together it is a node.js app I wrote, inside a docker container.

  • your favorite homelab applications

    Hi, just recently it's foss had an article about homelabs. Of course I digged in, since there is a small nuc working tirelessly in the corner of my routers closet. So far it just crawls some web pages for me and sends emails accordingly to my filters. So I hoped to find new exciting stuff to let it crunch through. The articles content did not spark my interest though.

    Well, I'd like to know what you are using on your homelab. In hope you'll do something I'd like to follow. Cheers

    --- Thank you all for your recommendations. You are awesome. I really need to go through it one by one.

    --- To make it easier for myself, this is a small summary of all your recommendations. Thanks again.

    Virtualization and Infrastructure:

    • Proxmox VE - Virtualization platform
    • NGINX Proxy Manager - Reverse proxy manager
    • Tailscale - Secure network access
    • apt cacher NG - Package caching tool
    • neko - Virtualized browser for secure browsing

    Monitoring and Notification:

    • Uptime Kuma - System monitoring tool
    • Netdata - Real-time monitoring
    • Zabbix - Enterprise monitoring solution
    • Ntfy - Notification tool

    Media Serving and Management:

    • AudioBookShelf - Audio book management
    • Jellyfin - Media server
    • Syncthing - File synchronization
    • Calibre-Web - Ebook management
    • Spotweb - Usenet indexing
    • Plex - Media player
    • Komga - Comics and eBooks

    File Sharing and Collaboration:

    • Syncthing - File synchronization
    • Gitea - Git hosting platform
    • Sharry - Secure file sharing
    • Vaultwarden - Password manager
    • Stash - Data repository
    • Baserow - Database management
    • wiki.js - Wiki platform
    • Wordpress - Content management system

    Development and Version Control:

    • BOINC - Distributed computing
    • Forgejo - Git repository
    • Gitea - Git hosting platform
    • Development environment LXCs with VS Code

    Networking and Communication:

    • Traefik - Reverse proxy
    • Portainer - Container management
    • Matrix (dendrite) server - Chat server
    • Navidrome - Music server
    • Joplin server - Note-taking server
    • RSS-Bridge - RSS feed aggregator
    • SearXNG - Metasearch engine
    • Dashy - Homepage for services


    • ActualBudget - Budget management
    • SabNZBd - Usenet downloader
    • Traccar - GPS tracking
    • Restic server - Backup tool
    • dump1090 + fr24feed + pfclient + piaware + rbfeeder + adsbexchange - ADS-B data tools
    • Stirling-PDF - PDF management
    • Miniflux - RSS feed reader
    • Pihole - Network-wide ad blocker
    • Huginn - Automation tool
    • LimeSurvey - Survey software
    • Omada controller - Network management for TP-Link devices
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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    Comments 18