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[Feature Request] Default languages on a per community/instance basis?
  • Wow that went fast, thank you!

    Interesting that the localisation of the languages are visible in the files. Some time ago I translated text for a game (Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead) and they had their text mostly in (IIRC binary) .po files. I'm not sure why they did that though.

  • The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates
  • 700.000 litres also sounds like much more than 700 m³. The average German citizen consumed 129 litres per day or roughly 47 m³ annually. The water consumption of 15 people is less than most blocks.

    Energy consumption might be a real problem, but I don't see how water consumption is that big of a problem or priority here.

  • [Feature Request] Default languages on a per community/instance basis?

    I comment text in both English and German. The (now semi-defunct) instance has some/many/most communities that only allow German as language, while on other instances or in communities only English is allowed (or at least that's the only way my comments get posted).

    This creates the problem that I cannot really set a default language tag, because that would regularly delete my comments when the comment doesn't get posted with no or the wrong language tag (because I forgot to add or change the tag.

    I don't know about programming, but I'm not sure how taxing this would be memory- or caching-wise.

    When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?
  • WR:SR made me appreciate industrial areas and utility vehicles (road or rail).

    Civ V: USA has cultural domination in my country. Sometimes I see a building and think that this could be a wonder.

    Witcher 3: "It looks like rain.", when it's very obviously raining very much already. Not everyone gets this.

    CDDA: I sometimes value clothing by the volume of its pockets (I haven't put spaghetti in any bag yet though...). After binging, I sometimes get unconsciously afraid of people, like drunkards in the night shouting and being loud.

    Assassin's Creed: Suspicious haystacks...

  • Who else played this game back in the days?
  • I cannot bring it to play on the Steam Deck, sadly. The game was a good childhood time sink, I used to hang at a friend playing this and we sometimes would switch the keyboard for a mission or ship or something.

  • Vivaldi : La Follia
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    Walther von der Vogelweide - Under der linden

    Under der linden

    An der heide

    Dâ unser zweier bette was

    Dâ mugent ir vinden

    Schône beide

    Gebrochen bluomen unde gras

    Vor dem walde in einem tal


    Schône sanc diu nahtegal*

    Ich kam gegangen

    Zuo der ouwe

    Dô was mîn friedel komen ê

    Dâ wart ich enpfangen

    Here frouwe

    Daz ich bin sælic iemer mê

    Kuster mich? Wol tûsentstunt


    Seht, wie rôt mir ist der munt*

    Dô het er gemachet

    Alsô rîche

    Von bluomen ein bettestat

    Des wirt noch gelachet


    Kumt iemen an daz selbe pfat

    Bî den rôsen er wol mac


    Merken, wâ mirz houbet lac

    Daz er bî mir laege

    Wessez iemen

    Nû enwelle got, sô schamt ich mich

    Wes er mit mir pflæge

    Niemer niemen

    Bevinde daz, wan er und ich

    Und ein kleinez vogellîn


    Daz mac wol getriuwe sîn

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