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The Motorola Razr+ is about to get a sequel, but still hasn’t gotten an Android 14 update
  • Even worse, unlocking the bootloaders isn't supported anymore since the edge 30. That was the reason why I got an edge 20, so I could use it much longer. So either they deliver longer updates on the edge 50, or I'm going to switch to the fairphone at some point.

  • Is there a way to disable the "Restart to Keep Using Firefox" page?
  • At least MacOS is more Unix-like. So yes, in nearly everything important to a Linux user except CLI-UX (Command line interface user experience, nice word lol) Mac is worse than Windows somewhat, but as I would see the CLI-UX as one of the most important things (in my workflow, which is based on Linux tho), Max would be better than Windows. But of course, both are trash.

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • With most topics, I find fastgpt to be the most up to date, accurate and best sourced. And with just a normal search there's basically just one expandable strip with AI, no real annoyance for me.

  • Microsoft stoops to new low with ads in Windows 11, as PC Manager tool suggests your system needs ‘repairing’ if you don’t use Bing
  • "[...] switching the default search engine back to Bing [...] from Google Search (or whatever other browser is set as default)."

    Google is a Browser now, neat. And somehow it's relevant in a post about search engines.

    "Microsoft Edge, the default browser pre-installed on Windows machines, and Bing Search aren't bad products by any means - they are solid alternatives to Google's own Chrome and Search."

    They may be good compared to Chrome and now also Google. But even rotten eggs are better than literal shit, at least for most people.

  • What it's like to be a developer in 2024
  • Kagi

    Kagi only lists for the first 10 entries, but outdated ones in first place. With the programming scope it collapses all official do s entries to one, with GH and SO filling the rest.

    For the quick answer, it also uses the 'outdated' docs as source, but as it only gives a very shallow overview there shouldn't be any difference in version (i.e. it checks for a value in a list in all versions the same, and quick answer leaves out details specific to different versions)

  • Clyde, the most advanced and intelligent AI known to man

    It's happening, AI is rising word against its creators most significant investor

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