Don't fall for the trap, it's not cheaper when you consider that you can do no upgrade and no repair
They are more or less the same piece of hardware with different software in it. There are no reasons a console wouldn't do the same things that a PC does other than the devs put limits on what you can do with these. Consoles are crap made for stealing kids money
Sound like you are addicted to videogames
it’s just like a very strict parent that takes away all your gaming consoles and tells you it’s for your own good
That's exactly what companies do when they decide that you can play their games only on their platforms at their own rules
I would definitely argue that Linux has good music software… But better? By what metric?
By the metric that windows is a closed box while linux can be tuned to be a much better machine to play and make music. Not having the possibility to route audio is a joke and an even bigger joke is using windows to play live with 0 control over what it does
I have to have a computer science degree to install a peice of software
No you don't, you can search on wikipedia what a computer science degree actually is.
Why does it only have windows drivers?
Linux, every time, without fail, commits suicide after a few weeks
You must be doing something really wrong with it because on popular distros this is not really supposed to happen. If you encounter such issues report them to the devs. You probably want to try a more stable distro
The reason you switched back to windows is dating girls?
Is Steam a necessity of yours? Do you work in the videogames industry?
Have you tried asking one of these developers why they aren't allowing you playing on linux?
Lol as League of Legend? Isn't it that moba game owned by Tencent and the chinese goverment?
Did you ask yourself why the wifi driver was missing?
Don't give up, it's easier than it seem you just don't know how to do it yet
There's Krita, Gimp, Blender, Stable Diffusion and more
I need my games
What do you need them so badly for?
Try again and learn from your mistakes. Installing linux is nothing compared to much more difficult tasks
Stop wasting your time with products made by Tencent and the chinese goverment
It's most games that are unable to run on linux, not the other way around
Windows is stable/reliable/accessible.
It's not stable (servers run on linux) it's not reliable (autoupdates) it's not accessible (closed source)