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Are we neckbeards?
  • Oh boy...

    So, to be completely honest with you here man, I can't give you that answer. I can tell you why I choose to keep going, but that's like, incredibly specific to me & not necessarily a reason that is salient or transferrable to you. For me it's because I've got 3 nieces & a nephew all under the age of 10, and my sister (they're all hers) tells me that I am genuinely their favorite uncle, because I am the only one who actually talks to them about what's going on with them with school, friends, and things they care about, and I'll actually run around with them outside & so on when I'm able to visit. My sister is also a reason on her own, cause we both grew up broke as hell in a trailer park with a mom who got blackout drunk on a consistent basis, and a dad who had all of the opinions & affects of modern christo-fascist conservatism, but in the 90's. So we're kind of the only two people that really understand each other, and I can't just leave her alone in the world.

    So for me it's the fact that I have responsibilities to other people that come before the fact that I don't really enjoy being alive a lot of the time. Again, I can't tell you what's important to you to keep you here, but I will say that there are people who can help you find that answer, that is partly what going to a psychologist is about. If you've got close friends, who you know you can be open with you can also try to broach the subject with them in an understated way, but that's very tricky & requires a lot of mutual trust I think between the two of you. You have to be cautious with it, is what I'm saying.

    There is other advice I could give, but this is what I'm prepared to share openly on the site as of the moment.

  • Locked
    PSA for the casuals that stumble in - you cannot be racist against crackers
  • that's a good point, although if we're talking about tactics internal consistency isn't 100% necessary. more important that the rhetoric we choose resonates in the way we intend with the audience we're engaging with

    Is it really a good idea to try to build a coalition out of deliberately ideologically muddled who have no coherent idea of what they're trying to accomplish, or agreement on even basic principles, but who are strictly aligned entirely on the basis of vibes & personal sentiments?

  • Locked
    PSA for the casuals that stumble in - you cannot be racist against crackers
  • Except it does actually matter, because people are fighting on the basis of those questions every day, and you don't overcome it by essentializing whiteness or labeling it an unbridgeable obstacle we can never change, because hey the racists imposed it, so what choice do we have but to identify with that imposition

    Is your argument here supposed to be that you can abolish the concept of "Whiteness", by getting "light-skinned people" to just stop calling/considering themselves "White"; and that this will work regardless of how anybody else considers, or interacts with them?

    This seems like an extremely non-materialist take, and one that isn't/wouldn't even be supported by the majority of people of color.

    Like, what is your position on what FDSignifier says in this video? Would your argument be that the most effective way to get people in "White America" to recognize that the American Carceral State also preys on them is to try to convince them that "they aren't White", or whatever? Or do you just write off that entire issue as a lost cause?

    I don't remember the exact wording of it, or where exactly it was; because I am admittedly not as well read as I would like to be, but I distinctly recall that Mao cautioned against being more ideologically advanced in your positions than what was necessarily appropriate for the actual conditions of the society you were trying to organize in, and unlike anybody on here he actually did successfully organize a Communist revolution.

  • Locked
    PSA for the casuals that stumble in - you cannot be racist against crackers
  • For me it was having a bunch of MLs laugh at me and ridicule me that really got me thinking.

    Well that one doesn't work with me, if you laugh at me & make fun of me I'm gonna fight you even if I would normally otherwise agree with your point.

  • Are we neckbeards?
  • Nah, don't do that.

    The thing is, you gotta learn to live with the struggle.

    IDK, if this was the effect commenting was gonna have I probably shouldn't have. I'm sorry for bringing you down tonight. meow-hug

  • Are we neckbeards?
  • I mean the answer here is that yeah, we live under Capitalism, so how much money you make absolutely matters to how good of a shot you have in the dating pool; particularly as a man.

    Some people will tell you that these things don't matter, because of some weird anecdote where they make up a dude who lives out of a dumpster but gets numbers all the time, but that's not reality, and that's absolutely not the norm.

  • Are we neckbeards?
  • Body image issues always led me to conceptualize myself as an entity inhabiting a body, the body being incidental.

    I also felt this way until I started getting myself involved with physical exercise, and now I kinda feel more grounded in myself.

    That might help you.

  • Are we neckbeards?
  • I just want to float through existence as a pure essence, interacting with other pure essences.

    That's basically what Human Instrumentality was, and the point about why that was bad was that you may not actually like who you "really are", or who other people are, and they still may not actually like you.

  • Removed
    This is what western solidarity looks like
  • Oh, well alright then.

    Edit: Also, after three days of arguing about this, it now occurs to me that the context of this thread is that of a spike in human trafficking as a result of the war in Ukraine; and that this is probably a bad line of arguments to be making in that context.

    I can be fuckin' stupid a lot of the time.

    inconceivable gun-hubris

  • Removed
    This is what western solidarity looks like
  • Okay, but what if you remove that threat of poverty, but just keep the practice itself legal? Why is that not acceptable?

    To my knowledge, this is not really something that any modern state has done, so I'm not sure what the outcome would be, tbh.

  • A Class Analysis of Joker and The Dark Knight - Jonas Čeika

    Only about 10 minutes in right now, but I think it's worth posting.

    I always like a good CCK video.

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