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Where do you carry your stuff?
  • there are various types and sizes of bags. there are small two/one shoulder backpacks. there are messenger bags. there are cargo pants.

    I envy woman for being able to walk around with a bag the size of a phone without looking stupid.


  • Deleted
    How to deleted content from banned user
  • good luck convincing communists to give back what is not theirs 😂

    but really, lemmy is not good for this. your comment exists in multiple physical copies on every instance from which someone interacted with the thread. it is prime example of once it is out there, it is out there forever...

  • A second Trump term could slow the shift from fossil fuels as climate threats grow
  • unfortunately, trump is not a cause of the problem - he is just a symptom of bigger underlying problem in society, which is manifesting itself all over the world. so your passport is really not a solution, at least not long term one.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • That’s a relatively new phenomenon

    that's definitely going on for at least 5 years

    I was merely providing an example of why Uber gained adoption early on.

    ok, from that point of view it definitely makes sense

  • Everything old is new again.
  • The fact that they would actually show up.

    unless you see the uber car circling around you on the map, then canceling the ride and cashing in the "cancelation fee"

    The dispatcher would tell you someone will be there in 20 minutes and, if you were lucky, somebody might show up in 45. Before Uber, there was more than one occasion where I ended up stranded downtown until 4 or 5am after the bars had closed at 3:00.

    yeah, but this is not an invention of uber. it is just that we got the to point where technology allowed what was not possible before. yes, uber was faster to adapt it than traditional taxi industry, but they are not doing it for your blue eyes, they are doing it for profit and they do lot of shady stuff to achieve it.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • where do you think the drivers who don't even speak the language and look nothing like the face on the licence are getting the cars?

    it is just that instead of exploiting them working in construction industry, they now exploit them behind the wheel.

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • If you did the same graph but made it clear to pollees that rejoining would entail a switch to the Euro

    if you make some lie clear to pollees, you can derive infinite number of hypothetical scenarios from that point.

    there are lot of countries in the eu not using euro. i don't really see union rejecting brits on behalf of such triviality.

  • have i destroyed my cpu?

    hi. i have broken my cpu by incorrectly plugging it into the socket (socket 1200). is it slightly bent in two different corners, as seen in the photos -

    at first i wasn't getting any reaction from the power button at all. after realizing what happened and correctly repositioning the cpu, the motherboard now starts, , fans and harddrives spool up, but i am not getting any signal on the on-board graphic card.

    was anyone in similar situation? am i done and do i have to throw it away? is there a chance to fix it by forcibly bending it back?

    thank you for any tips.


    From Lukla to Mt. Everest

    you'll recognize it quite easy in the screenshots... it is the highest one 😆

    [SNW S02 E10] Hegemony is on the air. This concludes the season.

    When the Enterprise investigates an attack on a colony at the edge of Federation space, Captain Pike and the crew face the return of a formidable enemy.

    [SNW S02 E09] Subspace Rhapsody is on air

    An accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding & beginning to impact other ships - allies & enemies alike.

    [SNW S02 E07] Those Old Scientists are on air.

    "Your flagrant disregard for temporal protocols by telling me this is deeply troubling. But thanks all the same."

    Really great episode. I give it the perfect score 5/7.

    [SNW S02 E06] Lost in Translation is on air

    Uhura seems to be the only one who can hear a strange sound that seems to trigger terrifying hallucinations.

    We are getting LD x SNW crossover!

    Those Old Scientists

    Episode airs Jul 27, 2023

    An accident while investigating a time portal sends Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Bradward Boimler through time from the 24th Century, and Captain Pike and his crew must get them back where they belong before they can alter the timeline.

    Director: Jonathan Frakes

    Roles will be played by their respective voice actors: Tawny Newsome (Mariner) and Jack Quaid (Boimler)

    Welcome to tropical paradise [Flightgear]

    hi guys,

    any flightgear pilots, seasoned or aspiring, here? you are cordially invited to !

    cross-posted from:

    > Princess Juliana > International Airport, St. Marteen, Caribbean islands > > Left still source:

    Welcome to tropical paradise [Flightgear]

    hi guys,

    any flightgear pilots, seasoned or aspiring, here? you are cordially invited to !

    cross-posted from:

    > Princess Juliana > International Airport, St. Marteen, Caribbean islands > > Left still source:

    > !

    flightsim 14th_cylon
    Welcome to tropical paradise [Flightgear]

    hi guys,

    any flightgear pilots here? you are cordially invited to !

    cross-posted from:

    > Princess Juliana > International Airport, St. Marteen, Caribbean islands > > Left still source:

    [SNW S02 E05] The ‘Charade’ of showing care in culturally sanctioned ways


    A disappointing episode of SNW throws out Star Trek's long history of fluid and deep character bonding to create a ridiculous hierarchy of legitimate care between friends and other loved ones.

    [SNW S02 E04] Memory, forgetting, and choosing our better selves 'Among the Lotus Eaters'


    The latest episode of SNW takes memory from its characters to ask what defines the core of who we are. Is forgetting ever a good thing?

    [SNW S02 E03] 'Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow': How time travel creeps into Trek today


    Time travel episodes are always tricky in Star Trek, because they are packed by nature with ethical dilemmas related to disrupting the time stream. SNW's effort brings the question of sacrifice to the fore in a way that rightfully unsettles. But is it enough?

    [SNW S02 E02] 'Ad Astra per Aspera': How we escape from hardship into wonder


    In an episode restricted by canon, "Ad Astra per Aspera" struggles with two of the biggest justice issues in the Star Trek universe. What was overlooked in this attempt to wrestle with genetics law in a Starfleet court?

    [SNW S02 E01] How do we heal 'The Broken Circle' in ourselves, our worlds?


    In this mission statement of a season opener, Strange New Worlds confronts what is broken within our worlds, and what needs to be healed in ourselves to face the challenges as they come.

    Bizarre experience. Highly recommended.
    • Airport scenery: meh
    • Cockpit interior: meh-
    • Aircraft exterior: meh+
    • Flight model: meh

    Overall experience: absolutely surreal, yet still highly recommended.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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