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G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide
  • Fixed link

    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Revelation 13:16-17

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I have had no interaction with anyone from Hexbear. Personally do not support Russia or the CCP, But I also stand against defederation, regardless of their stances on any topic. It doesn't make someone a "inflammatory troll" just because they hold different opinions than you. Even if there really are inflammatory trolls coming from that server, it should be enough to block them if you personally dislike them. In general, it's healthy to expose ourselves to a wide diversity of opinions, and to respectfully discuss topics with people who disagree with us.

  • Food Fight Food Fight

    Government Officials Direct A Christian School To Choose Between Faith And Food

    Food Fight

    Government Officials Direct A Christian School To Choose Between Faith And Food

    Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency'
  • I suppose the true libertarian position would be to say "all magazines must be open to all content." But I am not a libertarian, and this is not a libertarian magazine.

    Like any magazine other than m/random, this one has a topic. And that topic is conservative perspectives. You have the rest of the Fediverse to discuss anything else.

    Within the realm of conservative perspectives, everyone is free here to speak openly.

  • Deleted
    As A 🦅Conservative®🦅, I love racism—and deleting posts I disagree with.
  • You sure don't sound like much of a conservative.

    • This magazine has a clear Mission Statement, and clear rules indicating that it must be followed. Those who break the rules get banned.
    • The conservative position is, generally speaking, that climate is in God's hands, and that climate alarmism is a hoax. All scientists who advocate for alarmism are funded by the government, and are not acting as scientists when they advocate for the government to regulate business in the name of impending doom. Chicken Little is not at home here.
    • What is this about racism? The conservative position is, generally speaking, that skin color doesn't matter whatsoever, and merit does. This has been the Republican position since the birth of the party. Democrats are the ones who are, and always have been, obsessed with melanin levels. What makes you think that I "love racism"? That accusation sure does appear to be libel.
    • DeSantis is probably our best hope of getting elected. What exactly don't you like about him?

    Overall, this is a strange post that seems to be written by a rabid leftist. I'll leave it up long enough to give you a chance to defend yourself. For a true conservative, you sure don't seem to act like one.

  • Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency'
  • That's a fair criticism, and I gratefully accept it. But the user who posted it was, as far as I gathered, not a conservative. This magazine is meant to be a place for conservatives. Please see the Mission Statement. This is not a place for leftists, who outnumber us 1000 : 1 in the Fediverse, to discuss or debate. A political debate magazine would be more appropriate for that. If you'd like to present a conservative critique of this article, the petition it's written about, or that particular sponsorship alleged from this leftist source, you're freely welcome to do so.

  • Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency' Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency'

    More than 1,600 scientists have signed a declaration calling the climate 'emergency' a myth.

    Nobel Winner Joins 1,600 Scientists Disputing Climate 'Emergency'

    More than 1,600 scientists have signed a declaration calling the climate 'emergency' a myth.

    NASCAR, Other Companies Ban White Job Applicants
  • I did a double-take at the news source, thinking this has to be a Babylon Bee article. But no, NASCAR really has gone fully woke. Like Bud Light, they apparently hate their own market.

    And to think that guys drinking Bud Light while watching NASCAR once sounded like a good time for normal conservatives. It was not all that long ago.

  • NASCAR, Other Companies Ban White Job Applicants NASCAR, Other Companies Ban White Job Applicants

    Despite NASCAR's claims about being an equal opportunity employer, their "Diversity Internship" has officially banned white people from applying. The job listin

    NASCAR, Other Companies Ban White Job Applicants

    Despite NASCAR's claims about being an equal opportunity employer, their "Diversity Internship" has officially banned white people from applying.

    A Viable Realism & Revival Doctrine: Vivek Ramaswamy Outlines his Foreign Policy Vision

    An exclusive op-ed for The American Conservative: Washington, Monroe, and Nixon equals America First.

    Live-Stream of 200-Year-Old Time Capsule Opening @ West Point

    The U.S. Military Academy will open and unveil the contents of a nearly 200-year-old time capsule during a ceremony on August 28 at 10:30 a.m. EDT (UTC -4).

    For details, see West Point Discovers Time Capsule in Monument Base.

    What If Our Ruling Class Has Women’s Workforce Participation And GDP All Wrong? Our Ruling Class Has Women's Workforce Participation All Wrong

    Leading economists are blinded by the GDP numbers game and fail to see the human drama that undergirds all of human society.

    Our Ruling Class Has Women's Workforce Participation All Wrong

    Leading economists are blinded by the GDP numbers game and fail to see the human drama that undergirds all of human society.

    Question From a Liberal: How are We Destroying the USA?
  • Downvotes don't federate, so I don't see it. At least they don't yet. But even if they did, I'm used to downvotes. My reputation here on kbin is -2178, which is over 800 closer to 0 than it used to be. Whee! That's just for expressing Christian conservative perspectives. Not exactly popular in the Fediverse, or at least not on kbin.

    Anyway, thank you for understanding.

  • Question From a Liberal: How are We Destroying the USA?
  • My answer was generalized because I do not care to get into the specifics. I'm sorry, I know that seems dismissive. But I wasn't kidding when I said "book-length". You're proposing an extremely long and detailed discussion. Maybe someone else will bite, but it won't be me. Not today. I stand behind my generalization fwiw, and I'll leave it at that.

  • Question From a Liberal: How are We Destroying the USA?
  • Forget Trump for the purpose of this question, because he's divisive, and many conservatives don't fully support him.

    The general answer to your question is that Progressivism is designed to destroy the USA by gradually eroding traditional values, and then progressively moving on to erode more. That's the entire point of Progressivism.

    I'll spare you the book-length answer that unpacks that idea into a long list of examples.

  • Welcome to m/TrueConservative

    This magazine aims to loosely replicate reddit's r/Conservative sub.

    Kbin has its own m/Conservative magazine, but its moderator has been AWOL. I am therefore starting m/TrueConservative with the hope that it can thrive at least a little. For background see this post.

    For those unfamiliar with the aforementioned subreddit, leftist agitators are unwelcome here. They have the rest of the Fediverse to freely express their hatred towards right-minded conservatives.

    For true conservatives, fiscal and/or social, welcome. Please contribute some content.


    Featured Image Copyright: nazlisart / via Front Porch Sense (Common Sense Conservative Wisdom)

    Why's our Tux squished?

    He's short and fat, but he's not supposed to be that short and fat. The image's x-y ratio was altered.

    /kbin meta 10A
    Kbin is currently designed to encourage brigading. The fix is easy.

    The current default "Homepage" value is "All". That makes sense for users with zero subscribed magazines, so they see something.

    But for users with one or more subscribed magazines, the default value for "Homepage" needs to be "Subscriptions".

    That's partially just because subscriptions mean little if the default frontpage ignores them. But there's a more important reason than that.

    The current situation is that posts in m/Conservative are heavily downvoted, and barely upvoted. (Whatever your politics may be, consider if this was happening to you.) As more ex-redditors join, this problem is likely to worsen.

    Eventually moderators need better controls, to say things like "Only members can vote", etc.

    But for now, a very easy fix is to change the default value of "Homepage" to be "Subscriptions". Of course, "All" should still be a selectable option for those who prefer it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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