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Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Long Term Support Channel. It's Windows 10/11, but without all of the app crap. It's frozen in time to when it was released, just takes security updates, no feature updates. Same as any Windows before 10.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • Agreed. I have colleagues that I write scripts for (I don't do that any more, I stopped and shit stopped working, so they solve things manually now), they don't know shit about scripting... and still don't.

    On the other hand, I've had the pleasure of working with a dev that was just this very positive, very friendly person and was also very knowledgeable when it came to hardware, so we were in the same lane most of the time. He also accepted most of my code changes and the ones that he didn't, gave him an idea of how to solve it more efficiently. We were a great team to be honest. We're still friends. Don't see him as frequently, but we keep in touch.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • Well, at least you admit it, not everyone does.

    I do agree that they're out of date, but that wasn't their point, their software somehow doesn't like the NASes, so they had to look into where the problem was. But, their first thought was "let's tell them they're no good and tell them which ones to buy so we wouldn't have to look at the code".

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • Yep, unrealistic expectations.

    Or "you need a 12th gen i7 to run this thing"... the thing is a glorified Avidemux.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • It was way too early. If that happened after 11, very few would mind. But it happened way too early. 7 had the classic 6.x kernel start menu, and 8 suddenly had... no start menu button at all 😬. That was their mistake, way too much change way too early.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • You don't have to make it a part of the kernel, it could be an external module, like the firmware. I've done it before, it's not as scary at it sounds. Yes, at a certain point, it will stop to work and you'd have to recompile with a new compiler (if that doesn't work, code changes need to be implemented), but in most cases, you don't have to change a thing, except download the new source for the driver and build it again.

    It usually works for about a year or two, then you have to rebuild, so it's not that big of an issue.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • MiUI is not that bad IMO. The ad services and the integrated apps are horrible (even without the ads), but apart from that, the UI is fairly usable. They really haven't changed that much from what Android comes with by default.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Meeh, each to his own 🤷.

  • Sometimes, it's backwards
  • Simple example, our NASes are EMC2. The devs over at the company that does the software say they're garbage, we should change them.

    Mind you, these things have been running for 10 years straight 24/7, under load most of the time, and we've only swapped like 2 drives, total... but no, they're garbage 🤦....

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • You're gonna get downvoted because of 8.1.

    But yes, I do agree, 8.1 was great, a lot better than 10. The problem with it was the start menu (easily fixable) and the fact that MS didn't invest money or time in it after 10 came out, so a lot of bugs went unfixed.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • because literally nothing else that ships with KDE supports my machine's 5G modem...

    Why not just take that module, build it yourself, add the firmware package as well, repackage it and install it on whatever distro you like. I know, it sounds like a lot of work, but you only have to do it once... or maybe twice, depending on what is removed/added in future kernels.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Exactly, same as Arch... which is why I used Arch for like 2 weeks and then hopped to Void. Sorry, but it was the same bullshit all over again, services not running properly, slow boot time, services stalling at shutdown... I'm sorry but, with the words of Garry Oldman, I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit!

    Runit on the other hand... it just works. Set it and forget it!

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • There is no self test for mouse, just keyboard.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • That's because MS didn't invest time and money in it after 10 came out. A lot of bugs went unfixed. But, if you fix the start menu and removed all the apps, that thing was unbeatable regarding speed. It was fairly faster than 7, even on a spinning drive.

    Best MS OS regarding speed. If they fixed the bugs, it would have been even better than 7 or 10.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • Except for the start menu and right click menu, yeah, I'd agree. Luckily, you can bring both back if you wanted to.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • LTSC has almost the same performance as Win7... almost. It is runnable on a regular spinning drive.

  • Two Linux users walk into a bar
  • ME was even worse. It either worked fine or just didn't work at all (BSODs all the time). 98SE was crap as well, but ME is the leader in that department.

  • I only need to activate LibreOffice Writer before you can use it.
  • That's actually the first run welcome notification. You just have to edit the text in that dropdown popup.

  • Clever guy
  • Lol 😂, reminds me of some of the professors at uni 😂.

  • Clever guy
  • Really?

    Genuinely asking, I'm just an engineer... with very very bad grades. Passed was enough for me.

    Once a professor asked me if I wanted to take the exam again because it was clear that I knew more than what I showed on the exam (a lot of 2 + 2 = 5 mistakes, I was fairly good at that and owe most of my low grades to that). I asked him if I passed, he said yes. Fuck that shit, I'm taking that grade and parading it across town, wooohoo 🥳.

  • 😬...

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