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Which languages do you speak?
  • I... I...

    I have no words.

    How someone could genuinely believe that is beyond me.

  • Which languages do you speak?
  • I am fully aware, I speak nerd and computer.

    The computers speak back. It's a good time.

    I might be going insane?

    I'm also ripping off being inspired by another comment.

    Poe's law strikes again?

  • Which languages do you speak?
  • English, C++; Z80, 6502, and 45GS02 assembly, some SQL, VHDL, a bit of Python and Verilog, BASIC65, bash, CP/M ED, and a few other odds and ends

  • Help is on its way
  • In theory you can fire up vi(m) in an emacs terminal, so... I guess?

  • Post your Servernames!
  • I call my server "the server", "the shitbox", or "the 36TB", my pc "the PC", and my surface... "the surface". Creative, I know.

  • What is the most difficult problem that you have fixed in linux?
  • Accidentally put grub on the wrong partition on the device, which it was not happy with. Was able to copy some files over, manually boot the OS, and reconfigure grub to be in the right partition, took me about 2 hours? Then I did it again on a different machine, and speedran it lol

  • Who was your first?
  • Started with Raspbian when I first got my Pi, and have mostly used KUbuntu or Debian since.

  • 0x30507DE 0x30507DE

    Hello, I'm an archivist who does things.

    E? E.

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    Comments 8