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  • Last I heard scientists were leaning more toward the ever-accelerating expansion "heat death" theory then the expansion-to-contraction "big crunch" theory, but it's not set in stone yet. But even if "big crunch" came out on top, assuming that the life of the universe is cyclical is pure conjecture. It could be right, but it's unprovable, so we'll never know.

    As for the existence of space-time before the big bang, I don't know what to tell you, I'm just quoting theory. By definition, the big bang is when space-time came to be. If the big bang was the result of an ancestor universe's big crunch, we can't assume that the same space-time carried over, let alone that the ancestor universe even had something analogous to space-time. Barring some insanely massive breakthrough, it's simply unknowable.

  • Evidence
  • Then the other more applicable point is that what makes you think "the big bang" was the first big bang?

    Well, again you're using terms of time to describe the birth of time, so no that's not what I think because that statement doesn't make sense. But I'm being pedantic, I'm sure you meant "what if our's wasn't the only big bang?" And to that I can confidently say "maybe?". It's an interesting question but it's just not a scientific question. According to big bang theory, our universe, space-time and all the matter and energy in it, began with the big bang and we still exist inside it. Other big bangs, if they exist in some higher medium, are simply outside our scope. We just can't design tests to answer those questions. Best we can tell scientifically is where our universe started.

    You think mass and entropy and radioactive decay and all this shit in the nothingness of space all started with "the big bang" but it only happens once and then in a ridiculously long time from now when everything reaches absolute 0 and there's no energy left anywhere, that it's just done? A one trick pony?

    Again maybe? You're kinda putting words in my mouth. Idk if our universe is the only one, it's impossible to know. My original point was that time as defined by general relativity could not exist before the big bang because it was itself a product of the big bang.

  • Evidence
  • It wasn't matter that did the banging, it was space-time itself. Have you heard how we know that the universe is expanding? Well we can extrapolate backwards and find the point in time where space-time was just a point: "the big bang". Not only was there no space-time for matter to exist in before the big bang, there was no concept of "before" because that word only makes sense in the context of spacetime. So yeah, the person you're replying to is right, "before the big bang" is a nonsense phrase.

  • It's weird that we enjoy stimulating our fear response
  • I mean, yeah fear is a big part of extreme sports, but it isn't the attraction. You never heard Tony hawk say "hey, watch how scared I get when I attempt this trick". That's not the point. It's about the satisfaction of improving motor skills and the ability to move in new and interesting ways. But mostly it's just fun. Really it's not so different from skill-based video games, it's just that in real life you have to work your way up to the more advanced stuff to do it safely.

  • Unpopular opinion
  • Hard to be sure with the image quality, but it looks like he's got decent skin too. You're right though, it's really mostly how you wear yourself. Like jazz, there aren't really wrong notes, you just have to accentuate them right.

  • i shall simply remain illiterate
  • I was going to ignore it but then you did it again and so now I can't help but be a pedantic ass: it's spelled "college". Collage is those art pieces made of scraps of other art/media

  • if the Roku app is having playback issues, try turning on "Text Subtitles Only" in playback settings

    TL;DR if the Roku app is failing to play back some videos recently, try turning on "Text Subtitles Only" in playback settings

    So I'd been having this issue where certain videos would fail to playback in the Roku player (but only on Roku, playing from the Android app, the browser, or directly all worked). The video would get stuck buffering at 33%, but after a minute or so it'd finally stop with "There was an error retrieving the data for this item from the server". Transcoding issue? I'd been trying to figure this issue out for a few hours over the course of a few days. I don't recall having this issue before mid-December, and as I learned today apparently there was a big update to the Roku app.

    Anyway, my first real clue was using "ffmpeg -i video.mp4" to compare the codecs of a known working video and a not working video. The non-working video was showing an issues with subtitles. So after poking around in the Roku client's settings I saw the "Text Subtitles Only" option in playback settings, and enabling it worked!

    Hopefully someone sees this and it saves them a headache. I had to postpone my personal movie night like three times trying to figure this out

    Feature request: make "Scrolling past Post marks as read" toggle accessable from the main feed

    Pretty much title. Sometimes I want to see new content, sometimes I want to go back and look at old content. It's a little exhausting having to jump into settings to hit that toggle, and it would be really cool if we could switch it from the top bar or in the three-dot menu in the top bar

    Request: option to auto-hide nav and title bars

    Scrolling down hides them, scrolling up they come back. I like being able to see more content at a time, it'll make the app feel less claustrophobic.

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