MotD Update: Server Meshing Test Tomorrow Open To All Backers, starting around 1900-2100 UTC
MotD Update: Server Meshing Test Tomorrow Open To All Backers, starting around 1900-2100 UTC
MotD Update:
🕹️(Wednesday) Goals for this week
- Thursday - We are looking to do a TECH-PREVIEW test with all backers for 4-6 hours with a more efficient hardware structure to test the meshing benefits. This test will split Stanton into 3 servers per shard with a more efficient setup and we will be monitoring network/server performance.
- By Friday - We are still looking to have a Cargo/Hangar build out for Evocati this week. We have a couple blockers still preventing this but are getting closer.
changing some messaging from earlier. We're going to open the Tech-preview tomorrow to all backers instead and have the build up 4-6 hours
Still working on time but most likely 2100 UTC
- Wakapedia-CIG
Edit: Some additional updates
could be as early as 1900 UTC but still getting that planned out. We already have the build
the Tech-Preview test tomorrow is going to be on an older build. this is a known quantity test since the last one to run performance tests so will be in a 3.22.x build so will be a bit of a throwback
- Wakapedia-CIG