I like to spread knowledge
I like to spread knowledge
I like to spread knowledge
My son (6 at the time) and I built this set a few years ago, using the LEGO app on his tablet for the instructions. After completing it, we were asked to do a survey about the set... Sure why not.
What was your favorite part about this build?
The butthole
Would it really be a cat if it didn't show you it's butthole?
they didn't have to do that but they did it anyway
this is how history is made
beautiful actually
Baffling to omit.
What's the LEGO set code .. asking .. for a friend.
So you're telling me that somewhere at LEGO they actually have a bag of assholes?
They call it “the C-Suite”.
Probably next to the bag of dicks
Not only do you have a butthole on this model but you also get to build all the intestines, heart etc. It was kind of weird to build this model. Can recommend!
I don't need this much accuracy.
It's very flowery in its depiction
It's the brown eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight
Risin' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor builds Legos in the night
And he's watching us all with the brown eye of the tiger
I don't want an atomically correct Apex predator in my home, even if it is made out of Lego.
Do you not have a butthole or do you just sleep outside? 🤔
(Give the site a bit for maintenance)
Butt why?
Not the first time. 80107, if you press the bull's hole it lights up.
The ones from Jekca are nicer.
But has it a buthole?
I really don't like those diamond blocks that you need to stick a rod into it to keep it stable.
This brand is for modelling purposes, so it makes sense.
The already doing it better than that cats movie
I wasn't ready for such life changing knowledge
This is what came to mind* immediately
Something we need but do not know we want
a breather