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What demos did you try today? | DAY 5

@games What demos did you try today? | DAY 5

Greetings Flamboyant Flamingos (I'm running out of nouns and adjectives starting with F) of the Fediverse, it's the 5th day of the #SteamNextFest , and for me, unfortunately, the last, weekend duty calls, and I won't be able to give proper time to any other demo, so consider this last batch of impressions as my farewell to you all, until the next time

#gaming #videogames

  • @games Beacon of Neyda

    Another Kingdom Two Crown-like, however, here the protagonist can shoot, scavenge, and build, and the setting is based in a futuristic post-apocalyptic world with killer robots.
    There are also elevators leading to bunkers where you can find items and lore bits, watch out for the robot hordes!.

    Personal irks include the lack of a map, the control scheme not optimized for mouse and keyboard, and the fact I could not issue to the bots, apart from this, it looks promising.

    • @games Byte the Bullet

      A 2D platformer that I classify as the comfort food of the retro gamer:

      Tight controls, lots of references, a great degree of polish, and some tricks to make it unique.

      However, one thing bringing it down and something I loathe about this type of games in general is the artificial difficulty: you can't shoot upwards or in diagonal, and you can't even duck, it would have been appreciated in the Castlevania style sequence

      I hope the devs improve it for the release

      • @games Edge of Sanity

        One genre that I can't get into no matter what are survival horrors, I like to murder stuff, and the idea of hiding until the scary thing goes away is unappealing to me.

        Every time a game like this comes out, I try to figure out whether it's a survival horror with action elements, or an action game with survival elements.

        Unfortunately for me, with its camp management, resource scavenging, and too strong creatures to overcome, this game belongs to the former category

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