The Measure of a Man and a Man
The Measure of a Man and a Man
The Measure of a Man and a Man
Janeway made the right call, even though it was a terrible one. The only argument I've ever seen that might counter it is the opinion that Tuvok and Neelix died in the accident so aren't a consideration, but this would only hold true if the separation would have failed. Kind of makes you hope the transporter in any scifi form doesn't get invented, as they all seem to have their philosophical issues. I loved the problem presented in the Saga of Cuckoo series by Frederik Pohl and Jack Williamson, where faster than light teleportation sends a copy but you walk out of the origin booth. Not always the greatest thing, depending on your viewpoints.
Kind of makes you hope the transporter in any scifi form doesn't get invented, as they all seem to have their philosophical issues
Idk why everyone gets caught up on a transporter's only use being transporting people
I just want a transporter to transport packages instantly. No polluting trucks or trains or ships or planes, no criminally under paid and overworked army of warehouse workers and "gig economy delivery drivers" in order to meet same-day/next day delivery targets. No worries about if it was packaged enough to survive a courier. No need to be home for signature/missed deliveries
When you buy something online, someone just grabs it, shoves it on a pad and pushes a button then BOOM it's in your house.
Even Starfleet took awhile after its invention before certifying them for "biological use"
The Punch Escrow is a great pulpy book along the same lines.
The only argument I've ever seen that might counter it is the opinion that Tuvok and Neelix died in the accident so aren't a consideration
How's this for an argument. Fuck neelix right in his stupid face.
On a more reasonable note, tuvix really was the perfect blend of two extremes. He had neelix's desire to please people, but with tuvok's intellect and logic to temper him he was wildly more effective. He could actually cook, fixed ship problems, and even helped figure out how he was created (and, consequently, how to uncreate him).
Janeway's choice was still the correct one, but if I had a vote I would've kept him around.
Is that the one with the "dinos"? I recall a short story about teleportation in that manner, and something happened, but it was the confirmation that got delayed. So the original person was up walking around, waiting to be sent again, drinking tea, etc... when the equation had to be balanced. Stories like that really make you think, not just bam-pow-punch-kick... in space.
Here's a mention about the one book I had read (the second in the series):
Not really any spoilers, and a couple of the reviews also mention the tachyon transporter.
Using an example in the plot that won't really give anything away...what if you could instantly jump from one place to another, particularly when in danger, but couldn't be sure if when you teleported that you would be the version that was safe, or the one that wasn't. Maybe it doesn't matter, since you are in both places...but it sure matters to the one that didn't get away.
"What I really want to be surrounded by is coffee, and dead men!"
That only leads to this
wait I can do better
may the flower rest in peace.
Just don't let him turn around
Counterpoint: It's old life reconfigured.
Why is he a manlet
Now fire it out the torpedo tubes!