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Reposting this because I saw one person have a take I disagreed with

  • My most reactionary opinions all stem from selfish people being annoying as hell in loud ways.

    Vehicles (often illegally) modified to be louder than normal solely to be annoying is probably my top one.

    The other worse noise in the world is the near constant droning from 8am-8pm in suburban areas of lawnmowers/leaf blowers/edgers/etc. Everyone individually mowing their individual lawns with their individual lawnmowers on their individual schedules. Lawns are the stupidest fucking things on earth. Insane waste of resources and a huge source of annoyance for literally everyone who has to exist around them

    • Hate. Let me tell you how much I have come to hate the leafblower.

      Seriously just use a fucking rake, I like using a fucking rake, I like sweeping, I like the silent meditativeness involved in using these things and getting the job done slower, who gives a shit? It's not a job worth doing and it's certainly it's not worth the sonic enshittification.

      • Or at the very least, don't use it in the early morning on a weekend. "Early bird gets the worm" fuck you you've gotten the weekday we all have to slave away at 8 in the morning despite our circadian rhythm, let me have two days were I don't have to wake up at 7 in the morning.

    • I suggested to people around me to switch to battery mowers , which had a reputation of sucking ass many years ago that its never managed to shed, but one guy caved and bought a Chinese egopower and the rest saw it be better in noise and power and also ended up getting similar ones. Now I can enjoy weekends without the constant 2 stroke drone of gas mowers. Also less exhaust fumes in the air which is nice.

      Doesn't solve the issue of wasting this giant plot of land that could be used for native flowers or gardening or growing herbs and veggies, but its better than nothing.

      • I regret not getting an electric mower. Definitely will when the next time comes. I got all electric for everything else. I picked up a bunch of dewalt outdoor stuff during some sale years ago because I was in "battery ecosystem" with their drill and impact driver. I was highly skeptical, but i got the trimmer (use it for edging too if I give enough shits... which is like once a year) and it's literally better than any gas powered trimmer I ever used for my parents as a kid. Those pieces of shit spewing burned oil in your mouth... this thing is nearly silent except when it's chopping the shit out grass. I have some of 2A batteries and one of them is enough for me to get all the way around my fence and other places. I got like a small tree branch/bush trimmer too which works great for the intended purpose... don't try to cut down saplings though... I got an electric leaf blower to clean dirt and grass clippings from my walking areas. It's definitely loud as fuck but still not nearly as loud as a gas engine. Still just as powerful.

        That's what honestly surprised me because I had little experience with electric replacements for traditionally 2 stroke lawn stuff. I expected it all to kinda work but mostly just be frustrating and it's really not. So when the mower starts shitting its ass I'll have to do some digging and find a good electric replacement and be done with small engines forever hopefully. Not to convince the "pros" who have riding mowers the size or a small car just to mow lawns the same size as mine... at 8am, on a Saturday. Shit like that really makes me understand Rand Paul's neighbor and that whole incident.

        I can practically guarantee those large riding mowers could be converted to electric. But then the issue would be converting the overcompensating suburban lawn care company owner (not the poor asshole cutting grass in full sun all day) to electric because it's "gay and for pussies." That's the general response or vibe I get when I tell people I'm planning on covering my roof in solar panels. One guy literally said "you're into that... solar stuff, huh?" Like a Hank Hill response. "I sell non renewable produced electricity and non renewable electricity accessories... That's how you can know I ain't gay." I always have to tell people like "why do you give a shit what produces the energy? It's cheaper and you don't have to be cucked to an uncontrollable unregulated electric company." "Yeah, but solar sounds gay... and Chinese..."

    • The other worse noise in the world is the near constant droning from 8am-8pm in suburban areas of lawnmowers/leaf blowers/edgers/etc. Everyone individually mowing their individual lawns with their individual lawnmowers on their individual schedules. Lawns are the stupidest fucking things on earth. Insane waste of resources and a huge source of annoyance for literally everyone who has to exist around them


      every week my complex does their landscaping starting at like 7-8am (no noise ordinance against that apparently!) and then the neighboring complex does it the next day. definitely love to not be able to sleep with the windows open when the weather is nice.

    • What if you only mow once the grass is so tall the city could fine you?

      • This is more of a systemic critique than individual. I also have to mow my lawn, etc. Having wild growing grass and weeds everywhere would also suck. Ideally, I suppose, you bulldoze all this shit away, build high density, high quality apartments where people all have private areas without disturbing or disturbed. And there would be large public green areas, maintained by unionized city workers on a regular schedule. Lawns are kinda like everyone having a tiny but much shittier park. All this stuff just feels normal because we grew up around it

      • bro it's literally half of our symbol


    • Vehicles (often illegally) modified to be louder than normal solely to be annoying is probably my top one.

      I absolutely hate that one. Why do you need to remove the thing that makes your motor make less noise? You're in the middle of the city! The amount of absolute lack of brain cells needed to do that is astounding to me. They think they're cool! They think people look at them and think "wow what a cool guy!" They do not understand people think they're losers, it's wild.

  • People that work nonstandard hours have to deal with this stuff every time they try to sleep.

    The real solution would be to have high quality insulation that prevented neighbors from bothering one another when they do normal things like watch a movie or have a party. And to minimize nonstandard hours jobs. But that would inconvenience the land leeches so instead we get to fight with each other.

    • I agree it's not black and white. Consideration is a two-way street. All of this was discussed in the previous thread and I think there's some good discussion there.

  • Had a neighbor that almost got me evicted just because I work swing shifts and don't get home till 11pm and sometimes I just wanna talk to some friends without having the literal fucking cops called on me and threatening my life because you heard something slightly above a murmur while I was on the phone speaking just loud enough to be heard on the other end of the line.

    Funny thing is the property manager is actually a comrade and informed me that the dumb fuck came up to my door to record me inside my own home so I put the fear of god into him and implied I could get him criminally prosecuted for illegally recording me if he didn't move out by the end of the week (something I am not even sure I could have done but he thought better of assuming I was bluffing).

  • The good post there applies here, we live in a society that causes us to inevitably step on each other and somebody will always end up annoyed. One most common factor being that people are cramped into tiny, poorly separated spaces with no communal areas, where they can hear each other's every sound, because money.

    The best we can do to get on in these shitty situations is compromise and recognise it's a dumb arrangement that shouldn't exist to start with.

  • Hello NKVD? I'd like to report a counter-revolutionary. That's right, my wife complains when I stay up till 4am playing video games because it keeps her up. Yes, the gulag is fine too. Thank you.

  • If you wake your neighbors up you’re too loud. Be better

    • This is common sense and while I agree, in principle, I feel like 90% of noise complaints that get escalated have to do with two groups that don't follow common sense on the issue: power-hungry assholes who just want to control people and start shit, and genuinely disabled people whose noise tolerance is completely different than most people (hypersensitivity to sound, auditory hallucinations etc.).

      My sister got harassed out of an apartment by an elderly lady downstairs (not sure which category she fit into) who would complain about literally any sound they made upstairs. Normal conversation, in the early evening, would prompt angry letters in their mailbox. She would write meticulous logs of all their "transgressions" (like, "1 AM, chair moved across floor") and threaten to send them to the police, talk shit to other neighbors trying to spark drama etc. I don't feel like there was really any way my sister could have fixed that situation by being "better", because she didn't do anything wrong. Life makes sounds sometimes, maybe even at inconvenient hours. Sometimes you gotta move a chair real quick at 1 AM. It is what it is. All she could have done was accept that her downstairs neighbor has extreme needs, and then work to live a completely silent life. She didn't, she moved out instead. Like most people would probably do.

      I guess my point is that having simple "common sense" rules about this doesn't really work in a system where vulnerable/sensitive people live next door to neurotypical/non-sensitive people whose ordinary lives makes a baseline of noise. People like my sister's upstairs neighbor would probably need detached housing or a heavily insulated apartment, which I imagine a better society could probably provide to those who need it.

    • Yeah but they aren't talking about third shift people. first second and third shifts typically refer to 7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm, and 11pm-7am shifts respectively, so third shift would be going to sleep in the morning. Source: used to work at 7-11 and a warehouse that had 24hr operations.

  • There's a thing in Islam called "حسن الجوار" it is about how to treat your neighbor, also you westerners need to get better sound isolation cardboard ahh houses

  • In a communist society building quality would improve, as would insulation quality.

  • I've come to realize I don't live in the "best" hood.

    Since moving into an apartment in a new-ish neighborhood, I've had to deal with noise, but not ordinary noise. Sometimes during the day, I'd get next door neighbors turning up their stereo, with bass at earth-shaking levels. At night, I've heard thumping and screaming, like DV was going on, from the apartments below AND above me (tri-level) and during the first month, there was DV going on, as on next door neighbor had gotten into a fight with his girlfriend, and she called the cops.

    My struggle is, that I've called the managers to deal with it, but they say when they aren't there to call the cops. I don't want to do that (black man) but sometimes you really can't talk to some people as they might feel threatened and pull a gun, especially during a heated moment, so it may not be good to confront the neighbor yourself. Sometimes I don't know what to do, other than move out when my lease is up.

  • Aaaw yeah, time for the bi-annual hooning bogans on dirtbikes hexbear struggle session!

    • Heck yeah! I can't wait to get extremely mad at fellow poor folks!

      • If you're rich enough to afford a dirtbike, you're practically bourgeoise. Sorry sweaty, I don't make the rules.

    • We have the best struggle sessions folks, many people are saying this.


    • I'm anti-Australian but pro-hooning

    • I just wish they would drive through the suburbs instead of assaulting me with loud wet fart noises for hours doing circles in the parking lot

      edit I don't know what a hoonie dirtbag or whatever is I just wanted to complain

      • "Hooning" is driving your car/bike really fast and revving the engine to make a lot of noise, usually very late at night, they often occur around burnouts, but not always. And a "bogan" is kind of the Australian version of...I guess "white trash" sort of people? People known for generally being drunk, violent, inconsiderate, and generally awful to others. There is also a classist aspect to it as well, as they tend to be poor, but I wasn't intended that aspect of it here, more the "loud and inconsiderate" part.

  • Courtesy to your neighbors is a barometer for all pro-social behaviors, including how useful you'd be in an insurgency.

  • You should be allowed to have a party and play music and have people dance at your home.

    But if you have a party and play music as loud as possible even though no one is dancing you should be send to the gulag no questions asked. Like some people do actually get off on being annoying pests

    • Also you should be allowed to blast music sometimes, because its nice and being considerate means also being considerate that sometimes people need to be noisy. The issue occurs when "sometimes" becomes "all of the time" and "my neighbour asked me to quiet down" becomes "my kkkracker kkkoloniSSer neighboourgeoise ordered the Gestapo on me for the crime of destressing (firing guns into the air like a looney toons cowboy) after a long work day. I am the revolution and the proletariat and everyone should accommodate all my needs and I should not because we live in a big city so get used to it liberal"

  • In the revolutionary society we will simply designate city areas for day and night shift workers so no one ever clashes with their schedules.

    • you'd have places to go when you wanted to do something loud, this whole argument is so silly

      • It's wild to me that a common room isn't a normal thing in american urban planning. It's pretty normal for a housing unit to have a dedicated room for big parties and that sort of stuff.

      • Yeah I mean ultimately the argument comes down to alienation in the here and now, which there is no one size fits all answer for how to deal with.

  • Oh boy this struggle session again!

  • People usually complain about upstairs neighbors, but my downstairs neighbors can be ridiculous. I swear they do everything short of banging a broom on their ceiling. And they just got a beagle.

    Yeah I'm salty about it sometimes, but people who call the cops about something like that are trash.

  • Something tells me this Maliki fellow doesn't actually live in close quarters. There's definitely a balance to be struck. For example, I'm not going to play my fucking banjo without a mute at 2 in the morning.

  • Can people stop reporting this ffs. I'm not fuckin removing it. It's funny and both times it's been posted it has spurred productive discussion.

    • Are people reporting this because they think it's bait? I'm really sorry, that wasn't my intention. I thought it was a funny post, I was reminded of it and I think the discussion is a reality check that serves some people well.

  • I used to live next a mostly abandoned public university building. The building changed hands to some private association which would rent the building out for private events on weekends. So this meant on Friday and Saturday nights, people would rent out this big space and put a DJ blasting deep bass all night, usually through 4am. There's a quiet law in the city after 10pm!

    It was literally driving me insane, the bass wasn't audible outside but shook the foundation of the building and piped directly into my fucking room. Impossible to sleep when a 90 BPM beat is playing for hours, your heart just doesn't relax. I emailed the association every time it happened saying it's affecting my sleep. They answered once or twice saying they "asked the guests to turn it down next time" but nothing changed. Shame on them, making money from leasing a space not designed with sound isolation in mind in the middle of several apartment blocks. I eventually moved out because of it but goddamn, so enraging

  • Depends on the neighbor.

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