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We asked young Keir Starmer fans to explain his appeal | openDemocracy We asked young Keir Starmer fans to explain his appeal

Jeremy Corbyn drew fresh-faced crowds at Glastonbury and beyond. But his successor has younger fans too – sort of

We asked young Keir Starmer fans to explain his appeal

Found this kind of interesting. I remember during the Corbyn era a lot of people saying it was actually better for politicians not to have devoted 'fans' of the kind Corbyn did. I'm inclined to agree.

  • Isn't his appeal essentially that he's not Sunak? At least his predecessor actually had ambitions outside of being prime minister.

    • I don't think it's just that, but that is helpful.

      Look at the last two general elections: in 2019 Boris Johnson was less popular than Theresa May was in 2017, but he did way better than her because he was up against someone even less popular than he was. People didn't actually like him but he benefited enormously from being 'not Corbyn'.