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Reality check: how do the leaders’ claims in TV debate stack up? Reality check: how do the leaders’ claims in TV debate stack up?

Are NHS waiting lists falling, would family taxes be up by £2,000 a year under Labour – what is the truth amid the claims and counter-claims?

Reality check: how do the leaders’ claims in TV debate stack up?


Would every family’s taxes go up by £2,000 under Labour?


Are NHS England waiting lists going down?

It depends how you measure it, but mostly no.

Have the Conservatives abolished non-dom status?

Not yet; they're phasing it out.

Will the UK be less energy-secure if it stops new North Sea drilling?


So, that's four claims made by Sunak, none of them clearly true, two of them clearly false.

Not surprising, really. He has no positive legacy so he has to make things up. And this is, after all, a man who was fined for partying in Downing Street while the rest of us were in lockdown.

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