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PowerShell Weekly for May 31, 2024


Blogs, Articles, and Posts

  • PowerShell Tool-Building 101: Building a Computer Inventory Report
    \ Join me on an exciting journey as we build a powerful PowerShell tool for generating computer inventory reports! From CSV files to CIM queries and error handling, we'll walk you through each step as we go. Let's script our way to success!
  • Deploy Windows 11 with the free PowerShell framework OSDCloud
    \ OSDCloud is a free PowerShell framework for deploying Windows 10 and Windows 11. The tool provides simple methods for adding drivers and configuring settings in an image. After booting from a customized WinPE, either the OSDCloudGUI or an automated script initiates the installation.
  • Practical PowerShell Series: Part 4 Branching
    \ In my previous article in the Practical PowerShell series, I discussed looping as part of flow control. In this article, I cover another essential part of flow control: branching. Branching defines multiple paths for your code to follow, depending on conditions.
  • Querying DNS Records with PowerShell
    \ In this blog post explore how you can use PowerShell to query DNS records.
  • A simple PowerShell script template I use when creating new scripts
    \ I spin up new PowerShell scripts all the time, whether just for quickly experimenting and testing things out, or for projects that I know will be around for a while. There’s a few basic things that I like all my scripts to have, so I’ve created a simple template that I use when creating new scripts.
  • Working with Teams Messaging Using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK
    \ This article describes how to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to interact with Teams messaging to create new one-to-one and group chats and post messages to chats and channel conversations.

Projects, Scripts, and Modules

Books, Media, and Learning Resources

  • PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking
    \ Several years ago Don Jones and I wrote what we hoped would be the definitive book on PowerShell scripting and toolmaking. The book takes all off our years of experience, not only from writing PowerShell code, to teaching and conference presentations where we hear first hand what people struggle with.
  • Frontend PowerShell with Google Forms: Part 2 Replying with Gmail
    \ [OC] Learn how to integrate Gmail into your scripts to send automated email responses. You’ll also learn how to make your automations more flexible by accounting for things like hitting grid limits in Google Sheets.


  • Inside IT Automation | E04 | Erwin van Hunen talks about PnP PowerShell, MS Graph, music and more
    \ Erwin is the 'Father' of PnP PowerShell, an open source PowerShell module that is used millions of times everyday worldwide to perform automated tasks towards Office 365 and SharePoint. He is also a Microsoft MVP and well-known public speaker, and technology evangelist. As Chief Technolgy Officer he shapped products and services at Valo, Staffbase and Rencore. Currently he is Head of Product at MondayCoffee.
  • PowerShell on Linux and Beyond with Steven Judd
    \ In this celebration-themed episode of the PowerShell Podcast, Steven Judd makes his long-awaited return. We announce the first PowerShell Podcast MVP winner. We share tips about regex and URL encoding and dive deep into PowerShell on Linux, CloudShell, and becoming a lifelong learner. All this and more!


Check out for all past editions as well as a searchable archive.


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