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Why I think Labour will let Diane Abbott run | Stephen Bush for the FT (£) /content/4cad07db-cf55-4549-8973-1729cb4a0ec8

I think he's right Abbott will run (and should), but mainly sharing for the handy historical reminder that, far from being some uniquely awful event in the annals of Labour party history, this sort of thing is unfortunately par for the course.

As Bush puts it: 'Labour starts every short campaign with a row over its selections'. Similar bitter arguments happened in 2019 with candidates who won local selections but were then replaced by the NEC with someone loyal to the leader. Another egregious example Bush cites was Blair's NEC selecting a former Tory MP to run for a safe seat in 2001 when it became obvious he wouldn't hang on to his own (can you imagine if Starmer had done that with Natalie Elphicke?).

Labour's selection system is rubbish (the members have too little deselection power and the NEC have too much). On the other hand, given that our system of government relies on having lots of parliamentary allies, it's totally unsurprising that leaders are keen to get as many allies as possible elected to parliament. The NEC is a particularly blunt instrument they use to do that.