After halting a test of controversial technology to fight global warming, the city of Alameda, Calif., said it had found no “measurable health risk” from the giant salty-mist-spraying fans.
Well yeah, but the intention is to lessen the effects of the warming already happening and what will happen in the future no matter what we do. Nobody is pretending like we need to do this instead of cutting emissions, (except maybe oil execs I guess), we can do both at once.
The one downside of this and other geoengineering options is that once we start we can't stop until CO2 levels drop back down so we don't get a more sudden global temperature spike which would be worse for the environment most likely
Somehow I am not convinced that spraying salt water into clouds is without risks. Somewhere, all the salt will come down as salty rain after all. I guess farmers will be exited about this when they can harvest pre-salted tomatoes...
During the cold war, the Americans (and probably the Russians, too) seeded clouds and checked where the stuff ended up to see how radioactive fallout would work. The result was: basically everywhere.
But no in seriousness spraying seawater into the air over seawater to reflect more heat sounds interesting. The ocean itself has a very low albido compared to clouds of any brightness.
Certainly worth studying, especially if it's actually basically seawater (not clear from the article, informed opinion welcomed). Science bitches, test those hypotheses...