They better hurry up, or the mental patients astronauts scheduled to fly on it might finally come to their senses and realize that NASA is sending them into space in a capsule made by Boeing.
I have it direct from the CEO of Boeing, it's just a minor "quality escape". nothing to worry about, we have them all the time.
When questioned further on what exactly is a "quality escape" he got confused, and failed to give a coherent answer.
But apparently Boeing does not recognize faults, because faults are bad, instead they have occasional quality escapes, which are OK, and not a big deal.
Honestly, I find it contemptible, it's always an attempt to spin something, either to tone it down or to sound clever or something, sometimes it's even decidedly misleading. It's sickening IMO.
I understand the sentiment, and I’m definitely not a Boeing apologist. But the first version of the Apollo command module killed three astronauts. They had growing pains, too.
I had to check if that was actually there because at first I just couldn’t believe. It’s actually there. The author of this piece just casually put a section titled “Threat” under their contact details, as if that’s a normal thing you include when you share your writing.