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Give Me a (Solid) Reason - one of my current works in progress Give Me a Solid Reason (More Work in Progress)

Works in progress mostly for Unplug the Ocean

Give Me a Solid Reason (More Work in Progress)

Thought I'd share a current work in progress for a project I'm doing with a friend called Unplug the Ocean. It's rough as a badger's arse right now but that's why it's a work in progress, lyrics have been written but not recorded yet and a bass part is also in the works.

I'm really new to recording music on anything more than a phone so any pointers on mixing it properly would be much appreciated!

  • I like the sound. Keep working on it I think you'll get there. It just needs to gel a little better and flow a little smoother. Perfect practice makes perfect. Play it slow then faster right?

    Good work

    • Thanks! I know what you mean, you’re right the flow will improve with practice especially when I’m properly used to playing with a click track which I’d not done until recently.