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D&D Movie

Anyone seen it? Is it awful?

  • I loved it and thought it was worth the price of admission.

  • I honestly enjoyed it way more than I thought I would. They is a chonky dragon. I repeat, a chonky dragon!

  • It’s a great fun movie. The plot’s great, the pacing is great, the references are great, the comedy is great. It’s a fun adventure with a relatable team of misfit heroes.

    It takes some liberties with the game mechanics to accomplish this. If you can’t forgive that, you’ll have a rough time, especially if you like wildshaping druids and spellcasting bards.

  • As far as franchised products based films it's very rewatchable and I imagine will be a comfort movie on the future.

    Id put it just a little below the Lego Movie for quality for what's essentially an advertisement movie. No complaints however.

    As a D&D fan it hits the sweet spots of references but not to feel like it's pandering (see Super Mario Movie). What they add is at least relevant somehow. For a die hard D&D fan you can feel the die rolls going on in the movie.

    I imagine Hasbro will kill or ruin Studio One somehow which is a shame I would want more of these kind of D&D movies

  • It's fun. Don't expect anything extraordinary and you won't be disappointed.

    Some of the plans they hatch really feel like the wacky stuff players come up with.

    • Definitely go in with exceptionally low expectations if you want to have a good time. I was fairly optimistic based on the reviews rampant shilling on Reddit and was pretty disappointed. If you’d asked me for a score right after I watched it I’d go 4/10. In hindsight it’s more of a 6 if you allow that it’s supposed to be a bit tongue in cheek and the stilted dialog is a feature rather than a bug.

      With those caveats it’s a perfectly good way to waste two hours if you have nothing better to do. It has no memorable lines or scenes, and is just an average hot-topic-of-the-moment throwaway action movie.

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