What are you working on this week? (May. 19, 2024)
What are you working on this week? (May. 19, 2024)
Hi rustaceans! What are you working on this week? Did you discover something new, you want to share?
What are you working on this week? (May. 19, 2024)
Hi rustaceans! What are you working on this week? Did you discover something new, you want to share?
I built a little tool that allows you to see top contributors to any git repo by lines of code (and also top file types).
I saw that there was a new learning site for Rust that got a lot of attention on hacker news:
I plan to give it a shot in a few weeks. It's similar to rustlings.
But I haven't worked on anything this week so slightly off topic. Just wanted to share.
Didn't know that one. Thanks for sharing.
Started working on that this morning. when you use 'wr' to check your work if you see "skipping" at the end of the exercise, it means you've passed. Other than that it feels a bit like rustlings
I release a new version of https://kellnr.io with some bug fixes and updated Docker images (Ubuntu 24.04 base).
Currently (but very slowly) building a game engine. I don't know how I got to this, but here we are...
I get the feeling that there are much more game engines in rust, than games :P
I'm not familiar with too many that are mature enough to support complex games with extremely detailed physics.
Well, it's certainly more interesting than an email client, consider yourself lucky.
Trying to reduce compilation time, reconfiguring underlying cargo’ build-ctx or just riding off the context and using only build-plan and metadata by host cargo & rustc in the cargo-playdate tool.
Ah yes, compiles times. Off all the things that could be better in rust, my number 1.