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South Africa calls on ICJ to order Israel to end Rafah offensive South Africa calls on ICJ to order Israel to end Rafah offensive

Lawyers urge international court of justice to issue urgent measures over assault on Gaza’s southernmost city

South Africa calls on ICJ to order Israel to end Rafah offensive

South Africa has asked the international court of justice (ICJ) to urgently order Israel to end its assault on Rafah, halt its military campaign across Gaza, and allow international investigators and journalists into the territory.

In a court hearing, lawyers for South Africa expanded a written request for judges to issue an emergency order to stop the offensive into Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city.

They argued that seven months into the war, which has killed more than 35,000 people and reduced much of Gaza to rubble, the scale of suffering was now so intense that a total ceasefire was needed to get food, medicine and other aid to its desperate population.
