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Dropout’s ‘Game Changer’ Remains Emmy Eligible Despite Finale Delay (2-Part Finale Now Launches on June 3 & June 17), Season 7 Writers’ Room Set to Open Dropout’s ‘Game Changer’ Remains Emmy Eligible Despite Finale Delay, Season 7 Writers’ Room Set to Open (EXCLUSIVE)

Dropout's "Game Changer" two-part season 6 finale has been delayed but remains eligible for Emmys. The season 7 writers' room prepares to open.

Dropout’s ‘Game Changer’ Remains Emmy Eligible Despite Finale Delay, Season 7 Writers’ Room Set to Open (EXCLUSIVE)
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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/MarvelsGrantMan136 on 2024-05-14 20:53:39+00:00.