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2024 Kapow

The GOP Can Be a Home for Black Voters—If It Wants To Be The GOP Can Be a Home for Black Voters—If It Wants To Be

The alignment in concerns between Republicans and Black Americans is there—but in order for there to be a change, the Republican Party needs to show up.

The GOP Can Be a Home for Black Voters—If It Wants To Be

When I was a Democrat, the only Republicans I knew of were on my television, and they were never shown in a positive light.

They were illustrated by the mainstream media apparatus as buffoons with idiotic ideas who were callously individualistic, and, of course, bigots.

When I was introduced to politics, I was told there were two parties: The Democrats are "for Blacks" and the Republicans are racists.

But here's the thing: I had no personal example of a Republican whom I could point to who could challenge this simplistic perception.

This political theory was backed up by what seemed like the facts on the ground. No Republican took the time to disabuse me or anyone in my community of our perception.