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Case Western Reserve students maintain week-long encampment Case Western Reserve students maintain week-long encampment

On the morning of April 29, students at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland’s University Circle neighborhood launched the first Palestine Solidarity Encampment in this city. Their main demands are for CWRU to disclose its financial ties to Israeli apartheid and to divest from those investme

Case Western Reserve students maintain week-long encampment

In the next few hours, the entire sidewalk was covered with chalked slogans, voicing solidarity with Palestine and demanding CWRU divest from […] apartheid. Other comments drew links with “Stop Cop City!” in Atlanta and the fight against capitalism in general.

Kaler’s threats have so far not been carried out — a third victory for the occupation — and the presence of campus police outside Hind’s Oval has been subdued. On May 4, around 9 p.m., students again expanded the encampment to the edge of the sidewalk on Euclid Avenue, the main thoroughfare on Cleveland’s East Side. There have been no arrests or incidents of police brutality since the first day.

Supporters have provided the occupiers with food, water, ice, first aid supplies, tents, tarps, blankets and storage bins — and whatever the organizers say is most needed on a given day.

See also: Campus encampments — challenging global imperialism