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Are we gonna make a big difference after this migration?

Does everybody thinks that this migration is gonna change peoples mind about not using Reddit anymore ? Here's hoping.

  • I could not care either way. I came here to try a new site, but the constant barrage of meta-reddit posts is kind of ruining it.

    Like, yeah, I get it. I had a lot of communities that I'm going to miss, too. But the way past that is to build new comunities here and forget about the old site, not obsess about its downfall like a clingy ex.

    • Agreed. I didn't come here to prove a point or get back at Reddit's CEO or change how people use that site. I can here to be a part of something that is hopefully better. What happens to other sites and anyone who chooses to use them isn't really my concern.

  • I’m fucking stoked to see so many people like me (who are pissed at how corporations fuck their own product just to make more money) migrate over here. For once I feel like I actually have a way to “protest” corporations and their greed. I know the vast majority of Reddit users didn’t care, but I know many of us are here to break free from all of that tomfoolery. Just happy to be apart of it. Don’t know how long it will last, but I’m hoping that it does.

  • I think that people will still stick with Reddit just like there are a lot of people still using Twitter: it feels like their home online.

    Here’s a funny thing though, I’ve seen so many posts on Lemmy by people saying they were lurkers on Reddit but they do (intend to) post here.

    That can’t be a coincidence 😊I am one of those former lurkers/occasional posters and I’m kinda active here.

    (As an aside: I do wonder if the lack of overload due to constant ads can be attributed to that)

    I really don’t miss Reddit much now, because the communities on Lemmy are wonderful, and they can only grow more.

    • feels like their home

      This is actually sad as it reminds me of why people stay in countries with violent authoritative regimes.

      I know, it's different, but there's also lot of parallels.

  • I have a feeling that many of the people who moved here are the most active ones who also probably used a 3rd party app. This has two effects: Lemmy becomes much more active despite the relatively low amount of users while reddit loses many of its most active members while keeping the lurkers that don't contribute and thus the content quality is going to see a significant drop despite the amount of users remaining about the same.

    Lemmy doesn't need hundreds of millions of users to become better platform than reddit. We just need the most active ones. Facebook still exists too and is succeful on paper but who even goes there except my parents? For all I know that place could dissapear tomorrow and I wouldn't notice. It effectively doesn't exist to me already.

  • reddit is going to be fine without you lmfao, it's unreal how delusional some people are

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