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NJPW issues apology for losing USB drive with fan club members personal info /news/new-japan/njpw-issues-apology-for-losing-usb-drive-with-fan-club-members-personal-information

NJPW has issued an apology to members of its official fan club after losing a USB drive that contained some of their personal information.

The USB drive was lost at NJPW's show at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo on April 22. It contained the name, date of birth, age, gender, membership number, membership type, and membership expiration date of 32,775 people. But the USB drive did not contain credit card information, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses.

As of now, NJPW says there is no evidence that the information has been used illegally or that any damage has been done.

"We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and concern we have caused our members," NJPW wrote.

NJPW states that the USB drive was lost while preparing for a photo session for fan club members. After they were unable to find the drive, NJPW contacted the proper authorities and filed a report with police on April 25. The drive has still not been found.

Going forward, NJPW is considering switching to a new authentication system that does not use USB memory. The promotion says it will be making company-wide efforts to handle personal information more strictly so that this doesn't happen again. That includes training where employees will be thoroughly educated about handling personal information.

NJPW is sending out individual notifications to members who may have been affected by the incident.