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Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?

The 45+ crowd will vote for him because they support isn'treal and are afraid of Drumpf but I think we're going to see a massive drop out of young voters. Probably too with the people who already don't vote to begin with, namely service workers who are fucked over either way with D's and R's.

And here I thought Biden was going to win in November, time to eat crow.


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  • IDK this country has a massive cuckholdery to the Democrat Republican clown show. I don't see them moving to the Green Party or PSL in numbers that one would think would send a message. There's non insignificant support for dynasty establishment troll RFK Jr. So if those people don't channel this fustration into a relavant supporting party such as Green or PSL save an armed revolution nothing will fundementally change and the cycle of D/R clownshow continues.

    Edit - all the people not voting it's like just rolling over for the Empire. Passive acceptance / consent. Surrender. No vote. No right to complain.

    • Well, yes, for sure. I don't think there's any question here that the D/R clownshow will continue. The only question (as with every prez election cycle) is which one will win the big clown contest, D or R. Anyone who thinks Green or PSL can siphon away voters in numbers significantly more than they did in past elections is sadly but profoundly mistaken. I haven't seen that prediction here on hexbear though.

      Personally, I think it seems pretty obvious Trump will win, though I don't care enough to have a strong opinion or to watch the polls in any more detail than what I see posted here. I just know I'll either get to point and laugh at the blue maga libs or the original maga chuds while life for myself and most other working class people will continue to decline in this rotting core and as its contradictions heighten, becoming increasingly terminal.

      Edit: And voting isn't going to change that. On the contrary, a good argument can be made that voting is rolling over for the empire by tacitly legitimizing this fucking joke of a "democratic" system. Anyone who is involved in an org or doing literally anything to help other people especially in their community but refuses to vote is doing infinitely more to not surrender to the empire than someone who votes with all their might in every election and then goes home to watch TV news.

      • It's also for downballot legitimacy since there's this whole "well they never win so why bother" attitudes. You want PSL / Greens on your city coucil get you better material conditions at home? Local wages. Cost of housing. Presidential races are a way to show that. But if no one tries because they're too apathetic it perpetuates "they won't win so why bother" into a vicous self defeating circles. Then the Dems play "you have no where to go".

        Yes you need to do more thab vote. As lib Jon Stewart said it is a lunch pail day in and day out job. It is a sacrafice to serve and build that community and build that trust and build coalitions. Activism doesn't start and stop with voting. The system runs on consent - aka votes. That is the one rule. We must consent. They say the quiet part out loud if you are listening and paying attention - they hope you don't. Yes our elections are shams because they try to railroad people into the D/R clownshow. There are options, however difficult they try to make and they aren't always on the TV as the owners of media have a conflict of interest. That is where on the ground activism, organizations, word of mouth and independent publishing works best. I'm not saying stop doing your activism and community work. That's the lunchpal day in and day out grind we need. Just in your work, and for yourself help put a dagger in the Empire by actually voting NON COMMITTED and with a party who is close to your values.

        What do you have to lose in voting for a 3rd party anyways? A bit of time to vote? Think of it as critical support. There's only so much they can bullshit.

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