There's also the Evetta, made by a German company with similar specs and pricing. Both of these models are basically built by hand in such limited numbers that they are unfortunately pretty gimmicky at the moment.
This is the weirdest coincidence. I was sitting in the park earlier and a guy pulled up in one of these:
The closest thing I have ever seen in rural Midwest US was a Smart car, or a Reliant Robin on Top Gear. I thought about talking to the guy but he was playing basketball with his kid.
I tried to think of how to look up the car when I knew nothing about it, but Google Lens was my only idea and I didn't want to take pictures of the guy's car like a creep.
So I decided to scroll Lemmy for a couple minutes and landed on here. I clicked your link for the Isseta and that was it. Any other app and I would have assumed my phone was spying on me. Wild.