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Discourse Magazine: The Autodidact: To Improve Society, Start With Improving Yourself The Autodidact: To Improve Society, Start With Improving Yourself

Introducing a new column by Jon Gabriel: Learning lessons from the past yields big benefits for our future

The Autodidact: To Improve Society, Start With Improving Yourself

Intelligence is easy to find online, but there’s precious little wisdom. Those of us who spend too much time in the digital world (for me, it’s a job requirement) are all too familiar with the firehose of the latest news, trends and controversies. Within hours, they’ll be replaced by new topics just as meaningless.

Many experts have sounded alarms that this torrent of ephemera and the mad chase for clicks are rewiring brains, reducing attention spans and altering how we process information. Too often, we focus on the transient and urgent and abandon the meaningful and eternal.

Some of y'all should do what this guy did: read a book and touch some grass.

Discourse Magazine is an online publication of the Mercatus Center, a conservative think tank.