Rust Mastery book bundle from Humble Bundle
Rust Mastery book bundle from Humble Bundle

Master Rust with this book bundle! Explore data structures & algorithms, dive into real-world projects & more. Your purchase helps World Central Kitchen.

Rust Mastery book bundle from Humble Bundle
Master Rust with this book bundle! Explore data structures & algorithms, dive into real-world projects & more. Your purchase helps World Central Kitchen.
Unfortunately I wouldn't buy these given that it's from Packt Publishing. I've bought quite a few of their books over the years and more often than not they're either full of glaring writing errors that would have been caught if the book was looked at by an editor at all, the code examples have errors that require deep knowledge of said book topic to correct making it hard to progress, or the book doesn't seem to follow a linear learning path making understanding what the author is trying to convey much harder.
Don't get me wrong there are some good books from Packt, but they're much rarer than say a book from O'Reilly or Manning. They seem to just churn out content and not have a rigorous editing process meaning that it's mostly up to the author's writing ability to create something useful.
I used to grab their free ebook of the day when they used to have that and more often than not I would delete or never finish the books because they were just so low quality.
I’ve skimmed these and I’m not convinced they’re worth the purchase. Every time there’s a Packt bundle it’s a mixed bag. I don’t think these are great for a beginner because of the usual Packt concerns and I don’t think they’re great for an expert because of the usual Packt concerns. For the midtier unless you need these right now and have no other resources, it’s a better bet to wait for a similar bundle, even in other languages, from Manning or O’Reilly.
All my homies hate Packt.
Seriously though, I bought one bundle of Packt books and they were some of the most poorly written books I have ever worked through. Not to mention as I got better at the subject, I frequently had to relearn things I "learned" from those books. If it was even correct, it was frequently a bad way of doing something.
Fanatical has a similar bundle that I decided not to buy, because Packt.
Rust has an official online book that literally has everything you'd ever need to know in it, read through it and you're set.
Damn it. Another time I get tricked by the name of this language.
You were expecting a book bundle about mastering fungi in the order Pucciniales?
Quite interesting, thanks
Have any of you noticed that two of the books are C# books? Blazor WebAssembly by Example and Mastering Blazor WebAssembly. Why are they here? Is it because of web assembly?
This looks pretty interesting, anyone read any of these? I'm usually not a fan of digital books, but the price is right.
I'm pretty experienced with programming in general and decent with Rust, but there's probably some stuff to learn here yet.
@sugarinyourtea @dshank
Check out "Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches" from Manning. It's one of the better books I've found so far
"Asynchronous programming in Rust" is really good, imho. My colleagues and I read it to get a deeper understanding of async Rust. I was skeptical at first, because it is from Packt, but it turned out to be a decent book. Also enjoyed the recent rustacean station episode with its author.
Looks like that one is included, and I'm doing a lot of async in Rust lately, so it's probably worth picking up. I've had annoying compile errors that I've been able to work around, and a better understanding of how it all works would probably help.
I bought the bundle looking for some wasm, async and web Rust resources. I'm not impressed. The books quality is low and most of it is a waste of time I would have used more effectively with just documentation. It's also true that there are some C++ and C# books in there which baffles me. I've actually started reading one of the wasm books only to realize it's a C++ one few minutes later 🤣
Once again I see that I should stay away from Packt.
I think I'll go grab Rust for Rustaceans now instead of all those in the bundle.