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  • My favorite movie of all time is Lord of the Rings, but most people have already seen that.

    I find that I recommend Warrior a whole lot. It is an awesome movie and most people haven't seen it.

  • The Matrix (1999). The one existential movie for all. Then, it's probably "Serenity" (2005). Then, probably Galaxy Quest (1999).

  • Dead Man directed by Jim Jarmusch.

    I am by no means a Johnny Depp fan but he provides a top tier performance alongside Gary Farmer.

    An acid western buddy movie about death, dying, and belief. Beautiful film with a beautiful score.

    • Just watched this for the first time a month or two ago on the Criterion Collection Blu Ray. Amazing film. Killer soundtrack by Neil Young that is clearly just him riffing while watching the movie.

      If anyone has access to them, I highly recommend the Criterion extra features. Very cool long form interview with Gary Farmer, and the audio bit where Jarmusch answers letters written in by fans (including one from Bill Hader asking him if he can be in one of his films) is just a joy to listen to. I could listen to that man speak about filmmaking for hours and not get bored.

  • Tampopo, by Itami Juso. Fair warning: get ahold of a reservation to the nearest Japanese restaurant, you're going to need it afterwards.

    Also, it's a western. About food. And an initiatic quest, the everlasting quest for perfection (in noodle-soup making).

  • Scent of a woman.

    It is Pacino at his best (arguably at least, he has done some great work)