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Africa Anarcho-Bolshevik

Get Imperial America out of Niger! U.S. out of Niger!

Imperialist arrogance knows no bounds. In July 2023, a coup in Niger brought an anti-imperialist government to power. The government expelled the troops of the former colonial power, France, following the earlier examples of neighboring Mali and Burkina Faso. The United States suspended aid to th

U.S. out of Niger!

The [neo]imperialists don’t respect Nigerien sovereignty, just as they don’t respect Iraqi sovereignty. In 2020, Iraq’s Parliament voted to have all U.S. troops leave the country. They are still there in 2024.

If the troops refuse to leave, the U.S. becomes an occupation force, illegal under international law. What part of “Get out!” don’t these Pentagon operatives understand?

Historically, capitalism developed in Europe and later in the United States based on the rapid accumulation of wealth needed to finance industrialization and expansion by brutally kidnapping, enslaving and exploiting Africa’s people. Western capitalists have plundered the African continent for centuries, looting its land and precious resources and squeezing exorbitant wealth from its impoverished working class, including by paying starvation wages.

Of course, in true arrogant, [neo]colonial fashion, [neo]imperialism insists its presence is welcome. Welcome? Why would any African country want this ugly, bloody history to continue on its soil?

U.S. out of Africa! Get out and stay out!