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  • That one was a bit of a major plot hole I found

    After the first person shoots at the Borg with a Federation phaser, the Borg adapt to that first shot. The Borg drone relays the info to the hive and now all the Borg adapt to that first shot, then all of them with the second, third, fourth, etc, etc, etc.

    The first encounter ends, now when the Borg interact with anyone from the Federation again ... they've already adapted to phaser fire and a bunch of modulations from previous firings. So they adapt again and again. So after hundreds of encounters, Borg drones everywhere have pretty much adapted to a lot of different phaser modulations.

    Unless phasers have an infinite number of modulations .... after several years or decades of dealing with the Borg ... the Borg would at one point be just completely immune to any and all phaser fire.

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