Hummingbirds are just so pretty
Hummingbirds are just so pretty
Hummingbirds are just so pretty
It's purple! Why aren't there more purple birds?
Where do I go to see purple adorable hummingbirds? I would love to see some one day.
I took this in my back patio actually. I live in the Palm springs area. There are at least 3 of them total that live in my condo complex.
I never expected to want to go to Palm Springs! If I'm ever out that way, at least now I'll have a good reason.
Love hummingbirds. Their wing motion is so mesmerising. Vicious bastards though.
They think they're vicious anyway. CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP!!
East of the Rockies, we get ONE species of hummingbird. But they're still beautiful creatures.
Such a beautiful and proud birb.
Whats this? A therapod dinosaur filling the niche of a bee?
They are very pretty. But they don't look like this photoshopped version.
Edit: I'll admit when I'm wrong. It's real.
I was wondering why you guys are saying it's photoshopped. Even Wikipedia haste incredible photos of this species.
Edit: picture embedd didn't work
I agree with you, Bruno. It looks real to me. A Costa Humming bird like you said earlier. So cute!
Not photoshopped, just edited in Lightroom. Here's the raw. It really looks like that.
Thanks for sharing that.
The jacked up contrast threw me off.
Also, blues and purples are rare in nature, especially in animals. Which is part of why I jump to that conclusion.
No one noticing this is a terrible photoshop makes me suspicious Lemmy is mostly bots and stupid people
I think you're wrong. It's called Calypte costae
Or maybe we just aren't insufferable, chronically online people who have to scream "fake" at everything.
I mean it's edited in Lightroom, but just lighting. The colors are not altered. Here's the raw so you can compare.