Was hoping to get help finding a guide with more detail on setting up something like rdt-client for people who don't use docker.
It appears like its very much possible but it seems like pretty much all guides assume the user is setting it up in docker.
Currently have zurg and plex debrid setup with RD which works great but i find plex debrid a little lacking in being able to find what im looking for compares to using the *arr programs.
You didn't specify though which system you're using. I believe for every app there is a guide on how to install it on Windows if you're using that. For *arr apps I think its like installing any other app, and youtube is filled with guides on how to install them on Windows. For rdt-client there's a guide on their repo if you don't want to use docker: https://github.com/rogerfar/rdt-client?tab=readme-ov-file#windows-service