La general en jefe del Comando Sur de los Estados Unidos dialogó en exclusiva con Infobae durante su visita a la Argentina. Tierra del Fuego, 5G, inmigración, narcotráfico y pesca ilegal, entre las principales preocupaciones. La influencia de China, Rusia e Irán en la región
Can we stop calling things that aren't viruses and bacteria "epidemic"? There is nothing in fentanyl itself that makes it spread. Just like we don't have an anxiety or depression "epidemic", but many people are anxious and depressed. Ascribing agency to things, removes agency from the people (agents) who actually spread/sell that stuff.
Chinese investment is really extraction, Richardson said. Not just in terms of cash or natural resources, but also strategic positions. The general described a recent flight over the Panama Canal where she saw Chinese state-owned enterprises on both sides of the canal that could be turned quickly toward military capabilities.
"I think we should be concerned, but this is a global problem," she said.