A woman cosplaying the Firefox mascot depicted in the browser's logo
A woman cosplaying the Firefox mascot depicted in the browser's logo
A woman cosplaying the Firefox mascot depicted in the browser's logo
Nice cosplay. You gotta admit that the Firefox logo is better than all the other browser logos out there. It's pretty lit.
the old ones, yes
I respect the current one.
I do prefer the old one, but the current one is still regonizable as a fox around a globe representing the word wide web ball.
I think from 2013 is my favorite. I'd probably like the fox from 04 and the globe from 13 the best.
17 and 19 are both cool logos on their own, but are literally duller then the others. They got rid of all the pointy bits. The fire gradients on both are nicely done.
By so fucking much.
+2 points for the paw and the continents.
The globe was probably bought not made. But still pretty neat overall
Yep, it's clearly a vinyl blow-up ball.
Based furry :0
Lots of people who haven't seen this before.
It's on wiki and thus has info:
28 August 2010, 20:33
I feel old now
"Wants to dress as a furry, but doesn't want the stigma as a furry"
Everything to the right of Human is furry. It's funny because the Neko and Borderline Furry arethesamepicture.jpg. (Ok hand claw hand claw fucked up hand paw...)
as a furry myself, i feel qualified to explain this in absence of the entire community.
IMO. Something is classifiable as furry if it more closely resembles an "objectively furry character" than if it more closely resembles a human character. I.E. a human with a tail and ears is simply not furry enough to be furry. Hence why neko exists. But if it more closely resembles an actual furry I.E. it's skin is covered in fur entirely, than i think it's fair to classify it as a furry.
TL;DR moving from left to the right, once you pass the median character, that's all furry, everything on the other side is more closely related to humans.
One of the primary differences between humans and apes is the hair after all.
Damn, I've never wanted to be the world so bad.
Yes but remember, thats just a human woman under there; you wouldnt actually be caressed by the perfect web browser.
Functionally identical comment to another more self-aware comment in this thread, yet this one gets well-received.
I can fix her
Smart woman
This may have to be my Halloween costume next year
More plz
Omg, woman showing skin! Updoot!
It's a knee and an arm... What are you? Amish?
It's the person that highschool principals think every boy is
This loser spends his days trolling everywhere. He is an insecure jobless brat that nobody IRL gives a shit about, so he lives with negative attention online. This is the second time I am seeing him somewhere.