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Fierce Megastorms on Saturn Scar The Sky For Centuries Fierce Megastorms on Saturn Scar The Sky For Centuries

Jupiter may be the stormiest place in the Solar System, but Saturn's no slouch either.

Fierce Megastorms on Saturn Scar The Sky For Centuries

Jupiter may be the stormiest place in the Solar System, but Saturn's no slouch either. A new study has found that the ringed giant also has persistent megastorms that can last a century and leave deep atmospheric scars that last much longer.

An analysis of radio waves emitted by Saturn conducted by a team of astronomers led by Cheng Li of the University of Michigan has revealed long-lasting signatures of giant storms, including equatorial storms that took place hundreds of years ago.

This is a fascinating insight into the dynamics of Saturn, and can help us figure out the cause of the strange megastorms that rage every few decades...