Horoscopes are real
Horoscopes are real
So where do you get yours?
Horoscopes are real
So where do you get yours?
I would seriously enjoy an /astrology comm, I know it's idealist, but we have Christians and the like here so why shouldn't I have fun cracking wise about oh god mercury retrograde starts today i'm going to pull some tarot
a friend just pointed out that autism awareness month is starting at the same time as mercury retrograde 🤣 oh god
yeah I'm INTP 😏
I used to need a horror scope but now I can just see the horror with my unaugmented eyes.
Deep in the Andes mountains Juan Valdez and his trusted goat gather star signs fresh with morning dew. I cannot afford those. I get mine from Whore-O-Scopes R US.
I am down with horoscopes, with 2024 being the year of the Wood Dragon.