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  • the word "Coprolite" simply meaning fossilized dung.

    I think I just found my new label for describing our ruling class.

    We live in a coprocracy, run by coprolites.

    • Listen, at least coprolites are really useful for science.

      • Oh there's plenty of good science I can think of!

        How many coprolites can be cut in two by a single motion of a guillotine blade?

        Does a coprolite puree make a viable fertilizer?

        How do coprolites hold up against extremes in temperature, pressure, or acceleration? Exposure to acids, bases, enzymatics, radiation?

        So much valuable data!

    • I guess coprocracy is just the fossilized remnants of kakistocracy.

  • Someone had fun on the Wikipedia article

    The layers that covered the coprolite were moist and peaty.