I find it insulting
I find it insulting
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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/BraveMustaine on 2024-03-18 14:26:41.
To be “gifted” life on the only planet in the entire known universe to host life, after thousands if not million years of evolution, as the apex species of the richest country in known history….just to spend 8 hours a fucking day doing the same fucking bullshit to make someone else rich. Oh you want healthcare and affordable housing? Go fuck yourself. Im so behind the 8 ball it’s not even funny. I work for a union like everyone says is so great yet here I am on Reddit looking up herbal remedies for pain and shit like i live in the Amazon rainforest or something. This is ridiculous. Why am I even bothering to play the game if I’m born to lose like Motörhead? I guess I just gotta live to win. End rant