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Palindrome Challenge in C++ Palindrome Challenge in C++

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of characters that is read backwards and forwards in the same way, ignoring spaces, punctuation and case-sensitivity. Your challenge is to write a C++ program that determines whether a string provided by the user is a palindrome or not. **Re...

Palindrome Challenge in C++

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of characters that is read backwards and forwards in the same way, ignoring spaces, punctuation and case-sensitivity.

  • It is fine, but why would you want to teach new programmers C++? Surely there are many languages which are both inherently better and more popular and better-for-their-career languages.

    • C++ is still used for some popular applications, and it still is the only realistic option for these ones. I think there should be more Domain-Specific Languages. I want one for vector graphics like G'MIC is for raster graphics.

      • it still is the only realistic option

        I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree on this.

        C++ is still used for some popular applications yes; this says about 10% which sounds pretty right to me. It's definitely not in the "default language and only realistic option" position that it was in 20 years ago. I was a C++ programmer for years and years but at this stage there are just better things available. The last time I tried to work with C++ with manual memory management and .first and .second and templates and just the way it does things, I actually just wound up reimplementing the whole thing I was doing in another language rather than try to work within it.

        If I were trying to teach beginning programmers right now, I would have them start with C to get comfortable with the guts of what's really going on with their programs, and then once they were skilled with that, I'd teach them Python or Rust or Javascript or something as more of a "this is higher level more realistic option to do the bulk of a big programming project in" option.

        But that is me, we're allowed to have a difference of opinion about it.