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How do you do figure out what job you want after high school?

This might not be the best community for this, but I don’t know what job I want after high school. I’m afraid of pursuing a job that I’ll end up hating. How do I figure out what job I want when I grow up?

  • Don't be so hung up on getting a job you hate. The secret they don't tell you is that pretty well everyone hates their job. Get out and pursue things that seem interesting to you, and don't be afraid that you won't be good enough, that was my big downfall when I was younger. Since then I've held many wildly different jobs.

    I started pursuing IT since I love computers, but ended up hating being an on-call computer janitor. I did fire surpression, then IT sales (hated that too), then randomly got a job on the railroad. After bouncing around the railroad I have now ended up as Jack of all trades master of none handyman that does maintenance for a nonprofit, and I love it.

    I was more surprised than anyone to find out that I preferred working with my hands, and working outdoors. I had always dreamed of a cushy job with a nice office where I could wear fancy shoes. But now I'm a nerd for workboots who absolutely does not thrive in an office environment.

    But essentially I'm saying try not to sweat it. It may take you a long time to settle into something you like. Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone because you just might like it.

  • This is a major failing of the school system.

    The best I can recommend is that you try out jobs now -- but maybe skip anything 'fake' like online courses unless you think they prepare you for what's in the next sentence. Go find people professionally doing a thing you might like, and try to work with them, somehow. Internships, volunteer work, organizing events, etc. File paperwork and make coffee, if that means you get to see the work actually being done.

    Barring that, do the thing yourself if possible. Publish the results. All code goes on public repositories, all stories should be submitted to magazines or literature groups. All songs written must be sung in public. Get certified for CPR and first aid if considering medicine, and volunteer using it. Get an amateur radio license and build a radio. Look at jobs on a freelancing platform, and just do them on your own to build a portfolio (maybe actually apply for the jobs, once you have a portfolio). Not every type of job can be tried out this way, but many can.

    You're going to get rejected a lot, you can't just show up with a resume and demand a job (people who claim this works are weird). People who create and do nothing will mock you sometimes. A lot of jobs want young people 'out of sight and in school' too. However, this kind of disappointment happens to all of us at some point anyway, so may as well get it over with.

    If you're lucky, you've got a few years between the age of say 14 and 19 where you're not expected to support yourself financially but your brain works as well as it's ever going to. While it's useful to get good grades while you're in school (although they are useless afterward), I think it's a mistake to focus on that at the expense of actually trying to do things. A college degree is too big of an investment of time and money to go into blind.

    If you're in a situation where you do have to support yourself or your family before finishing school, then the necessities of life obviously take precedent. I won't pretend I have a good solution to that difficult situation.

    • Thanks. I don't have to support myself financially before finishing school. I'll take your advice for doing and trying stuff.

  • I agree with many of the comments about just choosing a direction and trying out a lot of things - that is absolutely what you should do at first.

    However, I disagree with many on the part about just finding something that pays the bills and finances your hobbies. You're going to do your job for 40 hours a week for almost your whole life. There is nothing you'll spend more time doing than your job.

    I've found a job that I love and it makes life much more enjoyable. While my job doesn't have an exact US equivalent, the best way to describe it is that I work as a teaching assistant during the school day and as a teacher at after-school. Sure, I still hate getting up on Mondays (and the rest of the days too, honestly), dealing with difficult parents and idiot bosses and all the other annoying shit that comes with any job, but all in all I love it and I'd gladly keep working 20-30 hours a week there for free if I won the lottery tomorrow. I could make hundreds or even a thousand dollars more every month if I took say a factory job, but it's still worth it because I genuinely have fun doing my job.

    Try to find something that you really like and still pays the bills. It's worth it.

    • I'll try to find a job that gives me fulfillment/enjoyment at least enough that I'll be content with doing for a while, but also pays okay so that I have enough for my hobbies and stuff, but I won't hate my work. Hopefully I find a job that pays okay and I love though.

  • Nobody gets out of high school and gets the job they want when they grow up. ;)

    Your first job is going to suck. It's going to be hard work. The pay and hours are not going to be great. You won't be respected as an employee or often as a human being.

    What it's going to teach you are organizational skills. Show up on time. Do the best job you can do. Admit your mistakes and learn from them.

    Carry what you learn there to the next job and the next job. Do better each time. Learn new skills. Find jobs that interest you.

    If you can, go to college for a STEM degree, network with other people and employers, and when you get out of college, you can do what you want.

    If college isn't for you, find a trade you're good at and enroll in trade school. Plumbers, electrictians, HVAC techs, mechanics are never out of work.

    Avoid: Retail work. Restaurant work. It will break you. Fine for when you're in school, not if you're out of school.

  • My advice is just pick a broad direction and try to optimize for not limiting your options.

    When I was 18 I liked math and science so I went to school for engineering. Did I want to be an engineer? I had no idea at the time. But I figured the first couple years were mostly math and science courses anyway so if something else caught my attention (computer science, chemistry, etc) I could narrow my focus when the time came.

    If you don't plan to go to college, that's cool too. My advice in that case would still be not to limit yourself. Pick something in your broad interest area that challenges you and has a clear path of advancement (certifications, etc). If you don't like it after a few years find something else. Just make sure with whatever you pick the growth path is pretty clear and at least somewhat in your control.

    There's a lot of advice here to work for money and that it's a fool's errand to "follow your dreams". This is the same advice I got twenty years ago when I was 18. I followed it. That path led to money but I'm not sure it precisely led to a life of fulfillment or contentment. I often wish I'd spent more of my early twenties taking more risks and chasing more dreams. You're only young once, and age accumulates life baggage (e.g., bills , mortgage , life partner, maybe kids) that discourages risk taking. Don't forget to take a risk every now and then, you might end up surprising yourself.

  • There is no such thing anymore as a job for life anymore that ended in the 80s. I don't honestly think that's there's a career for life anymore either, that ended in the early years of this century.

    Asking someone to choose something to do for 50 years (if they're lucky) at 16 or 18 is folly.

    Build yourself a portfolio of skills which you are proficient in and enjoy doing. I would include (1) languages in that and (2) the technique of communication over and above any technical skills you possess.

    I say languages because a second language awakens a different mode of thought, maybe not too much if the languages are closely related.

    I'm Gen X and was probably never conventionally employable. Company Roles I've had seemed to seek me rather than me them. I wish I had been much more aggressive about a second language much earlier on.

    It's not the language itself. It seems to assist in fluidity of communication. I'm not sure that I can explain what I mean by that: the structure of French sentences differs wildly from English sentences sometimes, but about 30% of English words are French in origin. It seems to encourage me to thing about how I am conveying my idea in words without me being cognisance of that happening.

  • Before you get married and have kids, just do a bunch of shit. Fail a lot, figure out what you like and what you don’t.

    I had like 30 jobs between 17 and 23. I was a roofer for a couple days at one point (I do project management now, as a comparison).

    Just try stuff and take advantage of the fact that you’re young and you can say “I’m figuring things out”. It’s a lot harder to make that fly when you’re 30.

  • This is certainly not an easy task! Hell, I am 46 years old and still figuring out life. 🤣 In all seriousness though, you will probably change careers 2-3x in your life or more. Maybe just figure out something that you could see yourself doing for the next 5-10 years and have a go at it? That would be my recommendation. Choose a career that will at least pay you enough so that you can live with a bit of comfort.

    • Yeah that’s probably the mindset I’m gonna have. A lot of people throughout the internet have been saying that you usually end up switching career paths a few times so I’ll probably try to look for something I can see myself doing for the next 5-10 years. Still gotta find that thing though!

      • It's quite a challenge. Start with something that you think might interest you, look it up on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website. See what kind of education it requires and what the typical career progression is. Normally I don't trust government websites but this is considered reliable and politically neutral.

  • That’s the neat part: you don’t.

    Truthfully, it’s a huge thing to ask an eighteen-year-old to plan for the rest of their life over the next couple of years. For some people, they might need to take a year or two off before even thinking about going to school again; others, they might go to a trade school instead, or just not even bother with college all together.

    I think the “best general advice” I would give is to just try out community college for a bit and take classes, join clubs, and/or participate in activities that interest you - don’t even worry about gen ed stuff until you’re sure you want to continue into a 4-year college for a bachelor’s or higher degree. Start working jobs that either genuinely interest you or offer a decent wage & benefits so you can at least have some sort of “work experience” to fall back on, and just explore stuff that interests you or sounds interesting. And if you’re in the camp of “I don’t have any interests”, then do random shit and see what sticks or not.

    In general, I think the worst thing to do after high school is nothing and stay stuck in the same position in life. As long as you’re doing something that you want to do, that’s gonna be a step in the right direction.

    • Thanks for the the advice for always be doing something. I will probably not go to a 4 year collage unless I'm really sure that I want a collage degree because I don't want to be stuck in debt and have wasted my time. I'll keep all of this in mind.

  • Well, you either know or you don't. Most people don't. So you go and try something until it sticks. Going to university as the other commenter said is also a great idea.

  • And you can always change career path if something else is seems more interesting at a later time. I did at a relatively late age and know of plenty of other people who did the same. It's never too late to try something else if the first thing doesn't works out.

  • Don't worry too much about getting 'locked in' to a job, you can always do a career change, it's a lot easier than you think.

  • This is not a valid question. You should be looking for a direction, not specifcs. Career is a combination if what you want to do, what you are willing to do, and what the job market needs right now. If you focus on a dream job you can get stuck with no job as the market doesn't need that.

    What if I offered you a job but you had to move go the most remote Africa? Some would jump at it, others would hate it. Would you work a job where you are on the phone all day? Would you work a job in software testing? Would you be happy as a tour guide? Different people have different answers. You are allowed to change your mind later.

    There is also what you are willing to go through for money. Doctors make a lot of money, but often have to work long hours and can be on call in the middle of the night, not to mention med school is hard. The world needs more engineers, but again it needs a lot of school .

    So pick a direction that sounds good. Then refine it based on both what you like and what opportunities open up.

  • It's not wrong to start with whatever / at random. Once you gain some experience you can decide whether to pursue or try something else.

    For me it came naturally from my interests and learned capabilities.

    You can ask about and try out different jobs to get a bit of insight and more data points for making a decision. Even if you won't have a definite favorite you may find things you consider undesired or desirable for you.

  • Honestly, I couldnt figure it out myself. I just took whatever job I could get at the time. I ended up sticking with it and working my way up. I still wish I could have done something more with my career, but having worked with a lot of young people over the years, Ill say this. Work whatever job you can take. Even if you hate it, just try it out. Figure out what you enjoy, and what you dont. Its ok to jump around. But most importantly, give it your best.

    I see to many young people (and older people) who come in, hate the job and just put zero effort into it. Yeah, you may be quitting in a few months, or a few years, whatever. But every job is an opportunity to learn new skills. Those skills will usually transfer over to whatever job you do eventually settle into, though most of the time it wont be so obvious. Be it work ethic, speed, ability to follow directions, knowledge about a topic, how to be a salesman, etc. To me, that seems like the best way to get what you can from any job, even if you dont enjoy the work.

  • You don't. You're highly likely going to go through some big psychological changes as you age that will probably cause perspective shifts about just who you are and what you want. And that's biological. You're going to experience other things that aren't biological products that cause perspective shifts. You at 18 and you at 35 should be two fairly different people.

    Hopefully you can find something that you continue to enjoy throughout life. If not it's really not a big deal. Do what you have to, take opportunities given to you as they arise and you'll probably end up somewhere you never expected. Work is work is work. Even if you love the field you can still hate work. It's easier to make a change in career than to pigeonhole yourself into something that presents no way to diversify.

  • First of all it's not set in stone. You just need some kind of point to dive in.

    • work out roughly what kind of thing you like
    • work out what you're good at
    • look for something that's in both those zones
    • try and pick training for it that will translate over a few different things
    • once you're in training you will get a better sense of what you want to do.
  • While Mike Rowe is kind of a piece of shit, he did say one right thing: "Stop looking for the “right” career, and start looking for a job. Any job. Forget about what you like. Focus on what’s available. Get yourself hired. Show up early. Stay late. Volunteer for the scut work. Become indispensable. You can always quit later, and be no worse off than you are today. But don’t waste another year looking for a career that doesn’t exist."

    There is no perfect job. There are jobs you make perfect for you. If the job you are in prevents that, you move on. Never wait too long for a promotion, as you can promote yourself by having the strength and will to find that promotion at a different company.

  • I went to college for engineering, ended up switching to a math degree.

    Figured out I liked computer science while taking CS classes for my math degree, minored in that and planned to be a software engineer.

    Realized I don't want to code all day, got offered a sys engineer position.

    Figured out DevOps existed a few years into working and now I do that

    Most people don't know what they want to do and figure it out as they go. There are a lot of people that picked X for the money and stuck with it and hate their job.

  • What are you interested in? What are your hobbies/what are you good at? Do something that involves that field. For me it was technology, I was always into video games and computers growing up in the 90's and by high school I knew I wanted to get into programming. After high school I knew I wanted to go into some form of programming so I went into computer engineering and am now an embedded software engineer. Do you have passion for any particular topic or area of study as a hobby?