A Police Stop Is Enough to Make Someone Less Likely to Vote - Research shows how the communities that are most heavily policed are pushed away from politics and from having a say in changing policy.
New research shows how the communities that are most heavily policed are pushed away from politics and from having a say in changing policy.
This article is a few months old now, but I think it's an incredibly important area of research and something that explains a lot of why America is like it is and how red states stay red.
A study I co-authored with fellow researcher Kevin Morris, published in December in the American Political Science Review, finds that traffic stops by police stops in Hillsborough County reduced voter turnout in 2014, 2016, and 2018 federal elections.
Our study compared the voter turnout of Hillsborough motorists who were stopped by police shortly before and after each election. Drawing on information about each person’s turnout in past cycles, we found that these stops reduced the likelihood that a stopped individual turned out to vote by 1.8 percentage points on average. The effect held when accounting for characteristics like race, gender, party affiliation, past turnout, and prior traffic stops to improve our comparisons. The discouraging effect of stops was slightly higher in 2014 and 2018.
These results make clear that the collateral consequences of policing—including worsening outcomes for economic security, educational attainment, and health—also extend to political participation. If the communities who are most frequently subjected to policing are also discouraged from voting as a result, it could create a vicious feedback loop of political withdrawal.
Why would traffic stops make people less likely to show up to the polls? Past research has already established that the most disruptive forms of criminal legal contact, like arrest and incarceration, discourage people from voting. Our study shows that low-level police contact matters in the same way. If a traffic stop makes a motorist fear that the government will harm them, it can prompt a withdrawal from civic life that political scientists call “strategic retreat.” Motorists might worry that a routine traffic stop could escalate into police violence, a more common outcome for Black people in particular. Beyond justified fears of violent victimization, voters might also bristle at the perception of being targeted to raise revenue through excessive ticketing. Accordingly, if incarceration ‘teaches’ would-be voters that their government is an alienating and harmful force in their lives, traffic stops could catalyze a similar form of ‘learning.'
Thanks for sharing political news other than the typical tribal format. People don’t realize how consuming rage-baiting news affects their brains. We need more human interest political news.
You're definitely welcome, but your second and third sentences make me feel a real mix of feelings.
Like, I think you're right that being angry affects people's brains/minds more than we want to realize, but there are a lot of things in our world today people should be enraged by, ignoring those things isn't going to make them go away, and I think a bit rage can be a force for good in the right circumstances if it's directed the right way.
Anger is a gift. It just needs to be directed to education and not violence. We need to be given the tools to find out why the problems developed. Just hating the “other” isn’t a solution. The answer lies in how the environment and material conditions create the space for the problems to arise in the first place. Philosophy should be taught in schools to make us understand the human condition.
Interesting study, shame they could only include data from the one county but data sets like this a very hard to come by.
Here's a surprising tidbit from the Discussion Section:
Given how widespread police stops are and their relationship to racial injustice, their political implications demand close study. What we find advances our understanding of how lower-level police contact affects political participation. We find that traffic stops reduce turnout among non-Black voters, with a smaller negative effect for Black voters.
If you truly believe people who vote Republican lack human empathy and love you might be spending too much time in liberal echo chambers for such an extremist view
it's a scientific study.. it's not an opinion.. perhaps you don't know the difference.. it's something you should have learned in school.. maybe you didn't pay attention very well.. you probably didn't think it was important, so now you make moronic statements like this, in public.. for everyone to see..
Oh I'm sure some people are inherently evil like that. I didn't used to think that way, I used to believe that all people were occasionally confused but basically good and we could all find common ground to work together. Talking to enough Republican voters changed my mind on that.
But that's all kind of besides the point, this article isn't about why evil people vote for Republicans, it's about why other people don't vote.
e; Also, I'm not a liberal, I think liberals are greedy and dumb and preventing more efficient economic systems from taking root, but I'm fully willing to work with them and vote for them if it keeps Republicans out of power.
I think it’s important to point out that liberal != leftist. Also, neoliberal is critically and meaningfully different from both of those.
I am a leftist/socialist at this point. I can play the capitalism game because that’s what I grew up and established my career in, but I try to push it in more positive directions where and when I can. I vote for Democrats in US elections because our electoral system is structured to only allow us to chose between parties that are, at the moment, either neoliberal or theocratic fascist, but I want to make it clear that while I very much do not like the vast majority of the Democratic Party, I outright revile what the GOP has mutated into, and I will never vote for any Republican, in any election, at any level, for the rest of my life, specifically due to what they’ve done as a matter of public policy since I was a child, and more specifically due to how they’ve allowed themselves to be turned from low-key regressive racists to boldly chauvinistic, xenophobic, white supremacist, theocratic authoritarians. Also, fuck Regan and Nixon.
Evil as a formal idea does not exist. Actions are considered evil. People commit evil acts because of ignorance, manipulation and indoctrination. Evil people can be changed with education. True “evil,” like serial killers, usually involves some chemical imbalance mentally. Or a combination of abuse, neglect and imbalance.