Does anyone experience this bug with Plasma 6 Wayland and Firefox Wayland?
Basically you drag and rearrange a bookmark in 'other bookmark' or home page, FF auto opens a bookmark above the bookmark you rearranged.
There's a KWin bug open for this, and a merge request was already merged for it.
I'm having a real tough time figuring out which code goes into which KWin release, but I do see a 6.0.2 tag that seems to include that MR's change. So I'd look for version 6.0.2 of KWin and retest with that?
Sorry to hear that, I may have overstated, I think I got distracted/focused mainly at the mouse cursor offset / interacting with something at a different position problem. That seemed to get fixed for me with 6.0.2, I don't see the dragging thing but I'm on X11 still, maybe that's a factor