I'm trying to get my hands on a n3dsxl, and I've been wondering how common it is to replace the shells on them. I can't find a ton of custom options online, but I'd love to do something like the textured hylian shield shell Nintendo did for the n2dsXL.
If not that, than at least something other than the plain colors they came in. Sure Nintendo did a lot of special edition releases but since I'm already burning a hole in my pocket trying to get a n3dsxl in half decent condition, buying one with the Hylian Gold or Super Famicom (or any other special edition for that matter) shell is out of the question.
It's definitely not as common as you'd think. Either way, I would strongly suggest not attempting it either way. Disassembling the top part of the console is a colossal pain in the ass. Some five ribbons have to stretch through the circular hole in a very specific way, and they have the structural integrity of my mental health
It is a royal pain in the ass to replace 3DS shells, both old and new. Such a pain in the ass, that I just simply won't buy them to refurbish if I have to do a complete reshell. And 3rd party replacement shells are dogshit. So unless you have an OEM loaner, I really, really don't recommend it.
That's kind of what I was afraid to hear. It's such a neat concept, but with how the 3ds is constructed, i had a feeling it would be more trouble than it's worth.
I've just acquired my son's old 3DS and was thinking the same thing. Looks like I'll pass on that thought.
I may buy new plates if I can find them, that would improve the look a lot. Also, I need to replace the top plastic screen cover but YouTube says that's really easy.